No Way. We Have To Go

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"How dare you, she is my daughter!!"

"My son's daughter to be more exact."

"Listen to me! I am her mother, I gave birth to her, I fed her, I educated her and I keep her safe from danger especially from people like you!!!"

"True, but the educating part is what intrigues me. What education are you giving her in a small apartment in a messy neighborhood and an ordinary school." 

"Someone like you doesn't know what really matters. You have no idea the pain you put us through. Don't think I don't know your tricks. Zephyr will be with me and you will not be involved in her life."

"Fine then, have it your way. But don't think I am finished with you!"

That just gave me the chills. "I know you want something to your advantage. I know how you work. You always seem to get what you want, well this will be different. You will not use MY CHILD for your benefit. You never cared for her from the beginning, so why would I trust you now?" With that, I hung up and sat on the couch. I started shaking after that last comment. Thankfully it was Friday and summer was almost here because now more than ever I want Zephyr near me. 



"Iduna? Hi, it's me." Idunna was my mother's best friend from high school. She was also friends with Valka whom she met in college but knew Iduna. Both of them took very good care of me when she died and I was 15. Them, along with their other friends and sons and daughters became my family and I long for Zephyr to meet them.

"Astrid? Oh my goodness I haven't heard from you in a while, how are you?"

"Good, Zephyr is growing up to being a very smart girl. The neighborhood is good, everything is fine."


I paused and knew I couldn't keep her secrets. "No. Ingrid is crossing the line between me and Zephyr. She literally tried to admit her to a private school without my consent. I know about the scholarships and I am not against her going, but for her to be the one to do it, is just something I will not tolerate. It would be the start of our separation and disaster."

Idunna listened without commenting. She and Valka have been by my side through everything and know about Ingrid. They met her and I suspect they were not entirely impressed with her. "I don't know what to say. What are you planning on doing, this is becoming more serious."

"I don't know, a restraining order but I don't have resources for that and there really isn't proof to indicate she is a danger for Zephyr. If she succeeds she will separate her from me and ruin her childhood. I can't let that happen."

"Oh, dear. You know we can lend you something for you to have that restraining order"

"NO! I mean No. I can't allow you to do that I will figure something out."

"Okay but always remember we are right here."

"I know. In the same house too I figure," I replied with a chuckle.

"Yes, we are still here. There were a few changes throughout the years but we are still here."

"How about everyone, how are they?"

"They are just fine. Since we are so many, you are going to need a whole day for this."

"Oh I have time, it's Saturday and Zephyr wakes up late today anyway."

"Alright then, where do I start?..."
I was so happy to hear that everyone was alright. She didn't tell me every little detail but enough to bring back precious memories. Especially some in particular from 'someone' in particular.

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