Chapter 3

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It was Thursday now, and Colby and I finally got our packets done. The next part of the project we needed to get done was a PowerPoint. Both of us were not looking forward to this.

We were in the library now in front of computers.

"Well," I said as I stared blankly at the screen. I looked over at Colby who was doing the same thing. "This is gonna suck." He said as he sighed.

I nodded. We both weren't good at these things so this should be fun, I thought to myself.

Colby sat up now and looked like he was thinking. He smiled then looked over at me slowly.

I looked at him and his eyes moved over me a little. I gulped softly. "Do you wanna maybe come over tomorrow night?" My heart started beating fast.

Tomorrows Friday. Fuck.

I thought for a second. "To work on the PowerPoint?" Colby snickered a little. "Well yeah." I thought for a second. But doesn't Colby usually fuck a girl every Friday night? Won't it be awkward if I'm there and he's fucking someone in the next room? I shook that out of my mind.

We need to get this PowerPoint started. I nodded. "Okay. I'll just have to ask my mom." Colby smiled "All right. Just text me tonight if you can okay?" I smiled and nodded. I looked back at the blank screen. I felt warm. The project is the only thing we're gonna be doing tomorrow... Right?


That night at dinner, it was pretty quiet. I played around with my food for a while trying to figure out the right time to ask my mom if I could go to Colby's tomorrow.

I shifted a little and it just came out without me thinking. "So uhm... We're working on this project in science, and the teacher paired us together and my partner wants to know if it would be okay if I went to his house tomorrow to work on the project a little. We didn't get much done today."

I looked up now and my mom was just looking at me. Then I looked over at my sister who was glaring at me.

"Wait you said his?" My mom said. I nodded. "Who is he?" I cleared my throat. "His name's Colby. He's a new kid." My sister kept her glare as my mom nodded. "Oh ok. That'll be fine, I guess. Why don't you just go home with him tomorrow after school." I smiled. "Okay. I'll ask him if that works. How long can I stay?" My mom thought. "Be home by 9:00. No later." I nodded.

"Alright, I'll text him after supper and tell him." My mom smiled and we ate supper in silence. After my sister and I helped clean up, I went to my room to text Colby.

Erica barged in after me though and slammed the door. She crossed her arms and looked at me as I picked my phone up.

"What?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Tomorrow's Friday you know that right? You realize he's gonna fuck you right?" Erica's words made my stomach turn. But then I felt angry.

"No! I'm going over to work on our project. We hardly got anything done today because we didn't know how to start our presentation. He's not gonna fuck me why would he even want to fuck me?" I laughed at the thought.

Erica snickered. "Well, he's done it every Friday night since 12th grade started at his old school. Why would he just take a break tomorrow night?" I thought for a second then shook my head. "We're just gonna work on our project, okay?"

Erica shook her head and headed for the door. "Whatever. I know you like him, and I just don't want you getting hurt." She said as she opened the door and slammed it behind her.

I felt heated. Colby would never want to have sex with me. Why would he want to? I'm not like any of the girls he's fucked at school. I shook my head and picked my phone up and texted him:

Friday // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now