Chapter 18

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I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down before making my way into my house. I knew Erica would be ready with a bunch of questions about how my night with Danny went.

It was about 9:30, I made my way inside trying to be quiet. Hopefully, my mom or Erica wouldn't hear me come home.

But when I got to my room, Erica was right there bargaining in with a smile on her face. "Soooo," She said cheerfully as she flopped onto my bed. "How was your date?" 

I sighed as I set my purse down onto the floor. I forced a smile now as I sat down next to her. "It was uh, it was good. We had a good time."

Erica just kept smiling at me, "Did you guys like, you know..." She asked as she rose her eyebrows up and down at me. I smiled lightly and looked away. I felt her grab onto my shoulders now as she shook me.

"Oh my god, Bree! How was it? Tell me! I need to know how your first time was!" I looked at her now, my heart was beating fast. I chuckled a little, "And how did you know that was my first time?" I asked.

Erica gave me an odd look, "Soooo, it wasn't your first time?" She looked at me suspiciously. I remember when she told me about her first time. it was last summer before senior year with a guy in the grade older than us. They only dated for a few months. I told her I would promise to tell her when it was my first time. 

I smiled and shook my head, "No, it was." I lied, "And, it was really good." I forced a smile again. I just realized now that the word about Colby and I must not have hit our friend group yet because Erica hadn't asked any questions about that. 

I really hope it doesn't get to my friend group.

"Awww, Bree I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad it was with Danny, too. You've liked him for so long. Are you guys gonna like start dating now?" She asked as she laid back on my bed. 

I thought about the question. Did I want to date Danny? After what I found out about why he asked me out in the first place? I really do like him though.

I shrugged. "I mean, I guess if he wants to date me." I smiled now as I rubbed my arm with my opposite hand.

Erica sat up now and gave me a hug from behind, "Awww my sister is growing up so fast. Her first boyfriend," She said as she squeezed me. I smiled, but my smile faded quickly. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

Deep down in my heart, I knew there was only one boy I really wanted.


I woke up Wednesday morning with a pillow being thrown at my head and my alarm going off next to me.

"Dude! Get up! it's 7:45 we're going to be late for school. We can't be late for Science, we're presenting our projects today." Erica said as she threw another pillow at my head then left the room, leaving the light on and the door open.

I groaned and sat up. I turned my alarm off then made my way to the bathroom. I really REALLY did not want to go to school today. Colby and I would have to be up in front of the whole class together, I wasn't feeling it. I knew I had to go though, I wanted to get this Science project over with.

Erica and I made it into the Science classroom with literally a minute to spare. 

"Erica, don't scare me like that! I thought you were bailing on me!" I heard Hannah say to Erica as we sat down.

"Hey, blame Aubree for that," Erica said back with a laugh. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't in the mood for jokes. 

I looked over now, at Colby. He was sitting silently his head resting in his hands on the table. I looked away now, I couldn't look at him anymore. 

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