Chapter 10

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It was Monday. I felt like the weekend lasted forever. I hadn't seen Colby at all, he told me he was too busy all weekend to hang out. I was bummed but I'm sure he was busy helping his dad with work around the house. 

I walked into Science class and saw Colby sitting silently on his phone. The first thing I noticed about him was that his hood was up. He was scrunched down in his seat a bit, he had on a dark grey sweatshirt with the letters XPLR on it, whatever that meant, and grey sweatpants. I had never seen him in sweatpants before. 

There were just a few other kids in the class already just chatting until class started. 

I smiled and walked over to Colby's table and sat on the corner of it. He looked up at me when I sat down and smiled, "Hey Bree, what's up?" He asked in a scratchy voice. it sounded like he was just waking up almost. My heart fluttered hearing him call me Bree. Only my close friends called me that. 

"How was your weekend?" I asked running my fingers back and forth on the table a bit. He sighed, "Ah, it was fine. I was super busy though," He said as he pushed a strand of hair out of his eyes. I looked at him closer now, noticing something different about his hair. I reached for his hood now with both my hands and pulled it down, his hair had a purple tint to it.

Damn, he looked good. 

I saw him blush and look down as I studied his hair. "Colby, you colored your hair? it looks really good," I said softly so no one would hear. He chuckled, "Yeah, I thought I'd try something different but it came out way darker than I wanted," He said as he ruffled his hair a bit with his hand. 

I shook my head at him, "No, I think it looks really good," I caught his eyes now and he smiled lightly. I reached up now to fix some hairs that were out of place for him. His hair was so soft and I honestly missed being able to touch him. He smiled at me as I ran my hands through his hair lightly.

"Hey, guys," I heard behind me. I turned now and saw Sam and Dylan were walking towards us, both of them smirking. I pulled my hands away quickly and stood up from the table. Colby smiled at them "What's up guys." he replied sitting up a bit now.

"Nice hair bro," Sam said pointing at Colby, "Your mom do that for you?" He asked as he and Dylan laughed a little. I rolled my eyes and went to my seat to sit down. Colby started talking to them now about his hair and how he didn't really like it, but honestly, it looked so good on him. 

Erica walked in now, we usually come to first class together but she had to run to the office before class started. I'm kinda glad she wasn't with me right away because I really wanted to talk to Colby a bit.


Nothing interested really happened this week, Colby and I texted a lot though. A lot of flirty texts, a lot of dirty texts, and a lot of pictures. I honestly was getting so antsy for Friday. I wasn't busy this Friday so I would be able to come over. And I was so excited. 

I was craving Colby so bad. I asked him a few times if I could come over earlier in the week but he said it would be risky since his parents would be home. 

I understood but I honestly couldn't wait much longer. 

It was Thursday now, I was in study hall. I looked over at Colby who was on his phone. I studied him for a while. I felt myself become warm. I grabbed my phone and texted him:

Me: I need you like now...

I watched him, waiting for him to read my text. I could tell he had because he perked up a bit. He glanced over at me, smiling lightly. He looked back at his phone, then started typing. 

Friday // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now