Chapter 7

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I headed to study hall after lunch and sat at my usual table by myself. I threw my backpack on the table and grabbed my math homework out. 

Just then the bell ring and at the same time, I heard someone running into the room. When I looked up, I saw that it was Colby. He ran in and over to my table with a smile and a Mcdonald's bag in his hand. 

My heart was beating seeing him. Every time I see him now, my heart flutters. Also, it was odd that he was sitting down next to me, he's never sat next to me in study hall before. He set his Mcdonald's bag on the table now and threw his backpack on the table too.

I looked over at the study hall teacher, Mr. Burns, he looked like he hadn't even noticed Colby sprinting in. "Colby," I whispered now, "If Mr. Burns sees you with food he'll be pissed," I said with a giggle as I grabbed his fast-food bag and hid it under the table. 

Colby giggled too, "Nah, don't worry, he probably won't even notice." I rose my eyebrows at him as he placed the bag on the table again and pulled out 3 cheeseburgers and some fries. "The line was so long, I didn't have time to eat," He said as he popped a fry into his mouth.

He grabbed a burger now and held it out to me, "Want one?" He asked. I smiled. I was pretty hungry since I didn't eat lunch. I nodded and took it from him, "Thanks, I didn't eat lunch so I could eat," I said as I unwrapped the burger. 

Colby gave me an odd look. "Why didn't you eat?" I shrugged. I didn't want to tell him I had told Shay about us, I told him I wouldn't tell anyone. Instead, I said, "It was spaghetti, I hate spaghetti and I didn't feel like eating a sandwich today." Colby nodded, "See why I don't eat here?" I smiled and nodded.

Just then I heard Mr. Burns's voice, "Hey! No eating in here," Colby and I both looked up. Mr. Burns was staring at us, his reading glasses pushed low on his nose, a small frown on his face. I didn't know what to say back, I never get in trouble at school. 

Colby started waving at him now, "Hey Mr. Burns, sorry, I'm just finishing up my lunch," Colby held up a french fry now, "Want a fry?" He asked. I laughed to myself and everyone in the room was staring at us now, giggling at Colby's comment. 

Mr. Burns mumbled something to himself now then waved us off with his hand and looked back down at the book he was reading. I looked over at Colby who was smiling and eating the fry he had offered Mr. Burns. God, he was so cute and such a goofball. 

I looked around the room now and saw a lot of eyes looking at us, probably wondering why Colby was sitting with me. He always sits by himself in the back corner. I looked back down at my math homework as I continued eating my burger. I cleared my throat then whispered to Colby, "So, whatcha doing over here?" 

Colby finished off his first burgers and fries then leaned back in his chair and shrugged. "I don't know, I wanted to sit with you," He said with a smile. I felt myself blushing. He wanted to sit with me? Does he not care what everyone thinks? So I asked him. he shrugged at my question then said, "I mean we have a science project together, maybe we're working on that," He suggested. 

That was true, if anything got around about us sitting together in study hall, a good explanation would be that we were working on our science project. I smiled and shook my head as I looked back at my homework. 

It was about 5 minutes until study hall was over and everyone started packing their stuff up. "So," I said to Colby, "You wanna do something tonight?" I asked. I don't know how I got the courage to ask but I did. I wanted to hang out with him, like actually hang out. Colby's eyes wandered now down to the books in his hands that he was putting in his backpack.

"Uhh, sorry I can't tonight. My dad asked if I could help him in the garage. We're getting ready to put up sheetrock," He said as he threw his backpack over his shoulder. I nodded, "oh okay, yeah no that's fine. maybe another time?" I asked hopefully. Colby sent me a small smile, "Yeah, maybe." 

I felt my heart sink like I was being rejected. Did he not want to hang out with me? I mean he came and sat next to me. It seemed like he wanted to be around me. 

I sighed as we walked to the door to leave. I wouldn't see Colby for the rest of the day as this was our last class together.

I cleared my throat, "Well, I'll see ya tomorrow then," Colby smiled and nodded as the bell rang. "See ya Aubree," He said as he grazed his arm across my back before heading out of the room. 

My mind started racing now as I headed to English class. What was happening? Did he actually like me or not? We literally just fucked in a janitor's closest this morning and now it seems like he doesn't want to hang out or anything. I was probably just overthinking it though. He had plans with his dad already.

 My last few classes went quick and I was honestly just ready to go home for the day. I could feel eyes on me all day and even some whispering as I walked by. I hated people talking about me. 

I waited for Erica in our usual spot where we usually meet to walk home after school. 

"Hey," I said as she approached me. She sighed, "Hey, look, I'm sorry about what happened at lunch. I didn't mean to make you mad. I'm just worried about you is all." I gave her a light smile. I was surprised she was apologizing. I shook my head as we started walking, "It's okay, I understand. But please just know you have nothing to worry about, Okay?" 

Erica nodded now. "Okay, I won't pester you with questions anymore." She said with a chuckle as she gave me a small shove. I chuckled too, "Thank you," I said. Erica stopped now. "But actually though, would you tell me if you two do end up fucking?" She asked with a smile on her face. 

I laughed, "Ha, I mean I guess," I said trying not to smile. I honestly don't think I will tell her though since I already lied to her about it and she apologized for accusing me of it. There was no reason for her to know anyways. And who knows, it probably won't happen again anyways. 

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