Chapter 11

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It was Friday, Finally. I made my way to my locker after my last class to put my stuff away that I didn't need for the weekend. I looked over now to see Colby walked towards me. I smiled as I watched him. He had thrown on a baseball cap backwards and he was wearing a hoodie sweatshirt again with sweatpants. 

He had a light smile as he approached me. "Hey," I said softly. 

"Hey," He started, leaning up against the locker next to me, "So a little change of plans tonight," He said as he scratched the back of his neck. I frowned a little now and eyed him for a second "Uh okay, what's the plan?" I asked stepping away from my locker now to talk to him.

He sighed, "So my dad asked if I can run some errands for him right after school. I need to go to a few hardware stores to grab some supplies we need to work on the house this weekend." 

I nodded, "Oh okay. Well, can I still come over tonight?" I asked with a small smile. He nodded and smiled slightly, "Yeah, I'll just have to text you when I'm home. it'll be around 7 or something. I honestly don't know how long it'll take. He texted me a long list of stuff to get." 

I nodded, "okay, that's fine. I might be able to take the car tonight, so I can come over whenever." 

Erica and I had a car that we shared and I'm pretty sure Erica had no plans tonight. 

Colby nodded now with a smile, "Perfect, that'll work. I'll text you later, okay"? he said as he laid a hand on my shoulder then brushed past me joining the flood of kids leaving for the day. 

"See ya, Colby," I said back as I smiled and turned back to my locker, putting the last few books I had away. 

Just then I felt eyes on me. I glanced to my side a bit and saw Hailey, Brooke, and Brianna standing together, and they were looking at me. I ignored it and closed my locker, throwing my backpack over my shoulder. 

"Hey, I'd be careful if I were you," I heard now. I looked up and Hailey, Brooke, and Brianna were walking up to me now. They were 3 of the most popular girls in my grade, they never talk to me.

I glanced between the 3 of them, "Excuse me?" I said back to them. They all had a small smirk on their faces. 

Brooke crossed her arms in front of her chest now. She rose her eyebrows at me, "Colby. I'd just be careful, he'll break your heart you know." She said as she studied me, she wanted to get a reaction out of me. 

I smiled back at her now. God, I wanted to tell her how many times Colby and I have fucked and that I'm going over to his house again tonight, but I didn't. 

Instead, I said, "I have no idea what you're talking about," I gave them a smile as I brushed past them. I saw the look in their eyes change after what I said, like they weren't expecting it. 

"He'll break your heart, Aubree," I heard Brooke say again from behind me. I let her words sink in as I just ignored her and made my way outside to walk home. Why was she telling me this? And was it starting to become obvious to people that were kind of a thing? 


Once I got home, I saw Erica sitting at the kitchen table. She looked up at me with a confused look, "Hey. Weren't you going home with Colby after school?" She asked. I slipped my shoes off and nodded, "Yeah. I was going to but he had something come up after school," I said as I sat down across from her. 

She nodded, "Oh, okay. Well since you're not doing anything tonight, you wanna help me build that shelf I ordered? The tracking says it should be here by like 6:00 PM." I smiled at her, but I was panicking inside. 

I was still planning on going to Colby's tonight, but if I told her that, she'd probably become suspicious. Why would I go over there so late just to work on our project?

Friday // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now