Chapter 19

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Danny invited my friends and I to a party Friday night. I'd never been to a party, I wasn't that type of girl. I guess I wasn't popular enough to ever be invited to a party either.

The party was at Sam's house. I've heard about his parties. They're pretty crazy from what I've heard. He always tries to have them when his parents are out of town. 

Shay and Jenna were over at mine and Erica's house getting ready for the party. They've never been to a party like this either, so they were super excited. 

"Do you think Ben will be there?" Erica asked as she applied some mascara. I chuckled, "I mean, probably. I'm guessing everyone's gonna be there." Erica smiled.

She's had a crush on this kid Ben for a while now. He's popular, like Danny, so she's never really tried talking to him. But tonight might just be her night. 

"I can't believe we're going to an actual party," Jenna said now as she applied make up. I laughed, "Right? I'm kinda nervous but it's gonna be fun." 

We continued getting ready, Erica took Jenna with her as they went to the bathroom to go through Erica's eyeshadow. It was just Shay and I know.

"Hey, Bree. How are you doing? Like with the whole Colby thing." Shay asked, quietly. Her question kind of caught me off guard, honestly. I hadn't thought about Colby in days. 

Danny and I have been hanging out after school all week and I've really been having a great time. Since the Science project is done, it's almost like everything I was feeling about Colby, was gone. 

I smiled at Shay, "Honestly, I haven't thought about him much lately. Being with Danny makes me forget." I said as I applied some light blush to my cheeks.

Shay smiled now, "I'm glad to hear that. that whole thing with Colby just isn't worth crying over, ya know?" I nodded. I agreed with her 100%. 

Colby was not worth my tears.


Danny met us at the front steps of Sam's house, I could hear the music playing from blocks away . The house was full of kids from my school and also quite a few kids I didn't recognize.

"Hey, Aubree! Hey guys, you made it," Danny said to my friends and I as he kissed me softly. I watched as Danny looked me up and down, "wow Aubree you look great." I smiled. 

I had thrown on a flowy peach colored tank top, some black skinny jeans, and some black laced boots. I also had light makeup on, which I didn't wear often, and I had my hair down and left it wavy.

Danny led us inside, my hand in his. He brought us to the drinks where there was every type of soda, some punch, and alcohol. Danny grabbed a beer, "want one?" He asked as he held one up for me. II shook my head,"No, thanks though." I said as I reached for root beer instead. 

That was another reason why I didn't make it a point to go to parties. I didn't drink and I wasn't about to start tonight. 

I felt Erica nudge me now, "Dude look it's Ben." She said pointing to the corner of the room where Ben and a few other guys from our school were standing. I chuckled, "Well go talk to him." I said giving her a nudge back. 

She took a deep breath, "okay I'm going." She said as she handed her drink to Jenna and made her way over to Ben. As much as I wanted to stay and watch how this played out, I wanted to go hang out with Danny.

Danny and I left Jenna and Shay now who decided to stay and watch Erica. We made our way through the house trying to find a place to sit and hang out. We finally made it to the living room after pushing through a bunch of people. 

Friday // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now