Chapter 1

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"That's him." My friend Shay said as she pointed across the hall to a boy with black hair standing in front of an open locker.

Winter break just got over and a new kid has joined the 12th grade. I stood against my locker and studied him for a while. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a chain hanging down and black converse as well as a black long sleeve shirt with some graphics on it. He didn't look like most guys in my grade.

He used to go to school in Glendale Arizona, about 20 minutes from Phoenix where we go to school.

A few guys went over to him now and they seemed like they knew each other. I leaned over toward my friend. "What's his name again?" I asked not moving my eyes from him.

"Colby." Shay said. I smiled. Colby. "He's pretty hot." I said then. I heard Shay chuckle. "Well no shit." I rolled my eyes as the bell rang and we headed to our first class.

I walked in and sat down next to my twin sister, Erica, who I shared a lot of classes with.

Just then Colby walked in. So I have first class with him? Nice.

The teacher greeted him nicely and told him he could sit wherever. He took a seat at the table in front of Dylan and Sam. He started talking to Sam now. They must know each other already. Sam and Dylan were two of the most popular kids in my grade.

I watched Colby for a while. He was really cute. His black hair fell into his eyes a little, his soft blue eyes, his cute smile.

He looked like a sweetheart considering he dressed emo. My stomach turned. 'Stop it.' I told myself. 'You hardly know him.'

I focused myself back on the teacher as class started. We didn't do much in class besides take notes and work on a packet the teacher gave us.

Math came next and I was the first one in there like always. I sat down and got my books and everything I needed.

People started piling in now. Just then my friend Jenna literally ran into the room and came over to me. "Oh my god, you'll never guess what I heard."

"What?" I asked excitedly because she seemed pretty excited. I looked past her as Colby walked into the room. I smiled a little. I looked back at Jenna who was looking at him too. "I'll tell you at lunch okay."

I gave her a weird look. "Okay..." She went and sat down.

I watched as Colby talked to the teacher and then he assigned him a desk that was two in front of me and one to the left. Man, he was tall.

Next class was history, and it was pretty boring.

After class got over, we headed down to lunch. I couldn't find Jenna until we got to our table.

"Okay tell me," I said. Jenna took a deep breath as me, my sister Erica and Shay waited. "So, I heard that..." Jenna started with a little laugh. "I heard that... Supposedly... Every Friday night, Colby takes a different girl home with him and fucks her."

My eyes widened "WHAT?!" I said loudly. People stared but I ignored them. Erica and Shay had surprised looks too. "Where did you hear that? Who told you?" Jenna took a bit of her sandwich then said, "Hailey, Brooke, and Brianna were talking about it in English. They were all like 'oh yeah, which one of us is going to get it first.' Blah blah blah."

I sank down a little as I played with the fruit on my plate. So he's THAT kind of guy. And I thought he was a sweetheart.

Well then.

"So... Every Friday, he picks a different girl, brings her home, and fucks her?" I said trying to straighten it all out. Jenna nodded. "Pretty much." I looked around the lunchroom now. I didn't see him. He maybe went out for lunch. Who knows. I sighed and ate my food in silence.

My next class was study hall. I had that class with Colby. He sat alone in the back of the room at a table. There weren't many popular people in my study hall so I'm sure he didn't have anyone he wanted to talk to.

I watched as he took out his phone and headphones and just sat there listening to music. I shook my head. He did not look like a guy that would do something like Jenna said he does.

But I guess we'll have to wait until Friday.


Soon it was after school on Friday and I sat against my locker and watched Colby. He was by himself just putting things away. I watched as he grabbed his jacket. And walked down the hall. No girls were talking to him really. I sighed and decided to head home too.


The weekend went pretty fast and soon it was Monday. I walked into science nervously and sat down. "You okay?" Erica asked, "You've been acting weird all morning." I nodded and rested my head in my arms. Just then Colby walked in wearing a pair of black jeans and a red and black plaid shirt. He sat down and started talking with Dylan and Sam.

I tried hard to listen to what they were talking about. All they were talking about though was the football game last night.

He didn't seem any different than last week. Maybe since he's at a new school his stopping his routine...?

No, he can't just stop.

And why is this bothering me so much? I shook my head.

School went on. Days past and soon it was Friday again. After school, My sister and I started walking home when I saw Colby heading towards his car. I watched him as I walked. He got in and started his car then drove away.

"You need to stop." I heard my sister say. I jumped a little forgetting she was there. "What?" I said.

My sister laughed a little. "You can't keep your eyes off of him." I gave her a weird look.

"Colby? You've been like this all week. Watching him." I shook my head. "Sorry I just..." I stopped and thought about what to say. "I just don't think what Jenna told us about him is true." Erica laughed. "I'm pretty sure it is. I heard some guys talking about it yesterday. And so what if it is true? He's a douche. Stop worrying about it."

I sighed and nodded. Erica's right. I should just let it go. But why is this bothering me so much?

There's just something about him...

That night I got on Facebook, and well I looked him up.

So much for letting it go.

I typed in "Colby Brock" and found him right away. 30 mutual friends. His profile picture was of him standing in front of an old abandon building. I looked through his wall.

There wasn't much but a few pictures with friends from his old school. He had a pretty normal-looking high school student Facebook page. I went to the top of his page and looked through his mutual friend, just a lot of the popular girls and guys at my school. A few 11th graders and some of the nerdy people in my grade. It looks like he adds almost everyone. Without thinking I clicked the "add friend" button which turned to "friend request has been sent".

What am I doing? I asked myself.

I sighed and set my phone down and started working on the math homework that I've been trying to do for the past 4 hours.

About 2 minutes later my phone buzzed. I picked it up and it read. "Colby Brock accepted your friend request. You are now friends. Write on Colby's wall." My stomach turned a little.

Well, that was fast, I said to myself.

Shouldn't he be fucking someone right now? I looked at the time and it was nearly 10:00 pm.

Friday // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now