Chapter 21

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I called Colby's phone over and over again after the party. No answer. It was all backwards now. I was the one calling him, crying as I hoped he'd answer me like he was calling me just a week ago.

I should've stayed with him last Friday night when I found out he was with another girl. I should've let him explain more, I should've listened to him.

Because all I want is him but everything is fucked now.

Shay and I left the party pretty quickly, I needed to get out of there and I'm so glad Shay was there for me. She drove us back to her house where I stayed the night.

I didn't sleep much, I cried most of the night. I just wanted Colby. I wanted him more than anything in that moment.

"I'm sorry for fucking up your life, again." Those words kept running through my mind, the words Colby said to me before he left the party.

It wasn't true at all. I never should have said that to him in the first place. Colby was everything I never knew I needed and I fucked it up. It was all my fault.


I spent most of Saturday at Shay's house, going home and seeing Erica was the last thing I wanted to do. She was so pissed at me, I'm sure it would be a while until she talks to me again.

I'm sure it sounds dumb but Erica and I are twins, we're so close and we've always told each other everything. Hiding this from her was the dumbest thing I could've done. I'm sure it would've been fine if I just told her from day 1 that Colby and I had sex and that I really liked him.

Too late now.

It was about 2:30 in the afternoon and I laid in Shay's bed and opened up Facebook for the first time since yesterday.

I'm pretty sure everyone in my friends list was at the party last night because everyone was posting pictures. I sighed as I scrolled through everyone's posts.

Then I got to a post from Brianna. My heart sank.

The caption read: Wild party last night lmao

Below was a picture taken from the door way of Sam's bedroom, Danny was keeled over on the floor, Colby was standing over him with blood dripping from his mouth, and I was standing next to Colby gripping his arm. I looked horrified.

I felt tears in my eyes as I slammed my phone down on Shay's bed. I cuddled up in the blankets and just sobbed to myself.

The whole school knows what happened. I never could have imagined this would happen. I was the girl in my grade that no one noticed. Now, I was going to be the talk of the whole school.


I left Shay's pretty late Saturday night. I figured it was time to go home. I went straight to my room when I got home and locked the door behind me. I didn't want my mom talking to me and I didn't want to see Erica.

I laid in bed and grabbed my phone, I went to my texts with Colby. He still hadn't texted me back. My heart was aching so bad. I sniffed and wiped my eyes as I sent him another text:

Me: I'm sure you won't reply but I just want you to know that all I want is you, Colby. You tried to fix us and now it's my turn. I don't care what everyone thinks now, I just need you Colby, Goodnight.

I reread my text over and over again before hitting send. I watched as the text was delivered. I just laid there staring at the text and that's when I saw the 3 texting bubbles appear below.

I sat up quickly, the bubbles stayed for what seemed like forever. Then, they were gone. I waited a few more minutes but I got no text back from Colby. I felt my eyes well up with tears as I set my phone down and tried to get some sleep.


I stayed in bed pretty much all day Sunday. I told my mom I wasn't feeling good which led her to lecture me about going to parties. I informed her that I wasn't drinking or anything and that it just felt like I had caught a cold going around.

I told her I wasn't sure if I'd be able to go to school the next day, which she was fine with so that's what I did.

It was Monday and I wasn't going to school. I couldn't. I thought I'd be stronger than this but I was so broken. I couldn't imagine facing everyone at school today.

I listened to Erica outside my room as she shuffled around and got ready to go to school. I hadn't talked to her all weekend and it felt so weird, I hated it.

It was about 9:30 AM when I got a text from Shay, I had told her that I was staying home today.

Shay: Hey girl, I hope you're doing okay. I wanted to let you know that Colby's not in school today either. There's a rumor going around that you too are skipping together and hooking up again. I've already told a few people off that are talking about it. I'm so sorry Bree. :(

Jesus. I hate high school. I was surprised to hear that Colby wasn't in school either. I figured he'd be stronger than I was. Then I started to worry, I hope he was okay.

I pulled his name up and called him. It rang and rang until it went to voicemail. I don't know why but I was really worried. I need to make sure he was okay.

I jumped up quickly and got dressed. Without thinking I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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