Chapter 12

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I rested my head on Colby's chest as I felt his steady breathing. I looked up at him now as he flipped through channels on his tv. He finally settled on the movie Jurassic World. It looked like it was already halfway through but he set the remote down and pulled me tightly against him.

I couldn't help but smile to myself. Getting to lay here with Colby, hold him as we watched a movie together. It was everything I could want right now. I thought for a second, then sat up a bit. Colby glanced at me, but then back at the movie. 

I reached over him for the remote turning the volume down a bit. He looked at me again and smiled, "What's up?" He asked as he brushed a piece of hair out of my eyes. I twisted a couple of pieces of hair between my fingers now as I debated asking what I was thinking about. 

He smirked now, "What is it Bree," He asked with a giggle. I smiled back at him, "I was just sitting here thinking, you know about everything and I was thinking it would probably be okay to start telling people about us, my friends and stuff. You're friends if you want." I caught his eyes, he was smiling but it was different. 

He chuckled a bit, "What do you mean us?" I studied him for a bit but smiled, "I don't know, like us. That we're kind of a thing now." 

Colby's smile slowly started to fade now, my stomach turned. I watched as he dropped his eyes from mine and leaned back against his bed frame. I didn't say anything, I just waited for him to speak. 

He sighed finally and said, "Bree, I just - I don't know. I don't know if we should call this anything."

I felt my heart drop by his words. I was so confused. It definitely seemed like this was a thing. He only wanted to invite me over the last couple of weeks, I was laying here with him still, naked, watching a movie with him. It definitely seemed like a thing to me.

"Colby, I don't understand. I thought-" 

"Aubree look," He said cutting me off, "I really like you it's just, I don't think I'm ready for anything like that yet." He caught my eyes now. His eyes were soft, they looked tired. 

It took everything in me not to start crying right there but I held it in. I looked down now, all I could say was, "Oh."

"I'm sorry Aubree. This is fun and everything I'm just not ready to..." He stopped talking now. I looked back up at him, he was looking down now. 

"You're not ready to commit?" I asked finishing his sentence for him. He glanced at me, then back down. I took that as a yes. I was so confused. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I shook my head. 

"But Colby," I said as I felt a tear roll down my cheek, "Last Friday when I was busy, you didn't invite anyone else over. You only wanted to be with me. That seems like commitment right there." I said, trying to form a smile on my face. 

Colby looked up at me now, there was something in his eyes. He swallowed slowly as he continued looking at me. I studied him, and that's when I realized. 

I felt myself start to shake now as I asked him. "Colby, did someone else come over last Friday night?" I dreaded the answer I was going to get back. He didn't reply and that was my answer right there. I felt my heart burst, everything inside of me was crumbling.

I really thought he only wanted me. But it wasn't true. I shook my head now, as I threw the covers off of me, getting up off of his bed.

"I'm so fucking stupid," I said out loud as I felt a sob leave my mouth. I heard Colby getting up now. "Bree, please," He said as I felt his hand grab my arm. I looked at him now, through my blurry eyes. He looked lost. 

I let a sob leave my mouth again as I asked, "Who was it? Who did you fuck last Friday?" 

Colby shook his head at me now, "That doesn't fucking matter Aubree. It doesn't okay. Please, you have to understand. This is who I am. This is what I do. You need to believe me when I say all I wanted that night was you, I swear. But since you couldn't come over I just.." His voice trailed off now. 

I laughed a bit, "Since I was unavailable you just found another girl to fuck." I said as I pulled away from him finding my clothes that were flung all over the floor.

It felt like I had been cheated on even though Colby and I weren't a thing, and a thing is obviously something he doesn't want. It was quiet besides my few sniffles as I pulled my clothes on.

Colby was just standing there staring at me until he finally spoke. 

"This is why we can't be a thing, Aubree. At least not right now. I have to figure myself out, get myself together. I don't want to end up hurting you." He said as he took a few steps closer to me. 

"Yeah well, you already did," I said as I threw my shirt on over my bra. I reached for my purse throwing it over my shoulder as I made my way to the door. Colby was after me in seconds grabbing my arm again. "But Aubree, we aren't even a thing!" He said, his voice louder than it has been.

I stopped and turned to him now, crossing my arms over my chest. "So why did you tell me I was something special? That there was just something about me? Why have you been texting me constantly just to say 'hey' and to ask how I'm doing? Sending me pictures of yourself saying you miss me and you need me. Why did you tell me you were going to be alone last Friday night, making me think you only wanted me?! huh?" My voice was shaking now as I looked at him standing there, still naked. I just wanted to leave.

Colby swallowed hard, "It's all true Aubree, everything I said and how I feel about you, it's all true. I just - I need to figure myself out." 

I laughed now, "Well I can't wait around for you Colby," I said as more tears fell from my eyes, "You make me feel a way I have never felt before, you HAVE made me feel special. But if you can't do this with me right now then... I can't do this with you, ever." I said as I wiped my tears away and reached for the door. 

Colby grabbed for me again now, "Bree, please don't go," he said, his voice was breaking. it almost sounded like he was about to cry but I didn't care. I shook him off of me one last time, before making my way downstairs and to the front door.

Tears filled my eyes and I could hear him behind me but I didn't look back. I reached for the front door then slammed it behind me. I got in my car, I was shaking as I was fumbling to get my keys into the ignition. 

Once I did, I backed out of his driveway and sped off without looking back. 

Friday // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now