Chapter 1- Audition

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Y/n Pov:
I am so excited for today. Today was the day mum was taking me to go audition for a role in the upcoming Harry Potter Movies. I have read all of the books and I couldn't be anymore happy. My young heart couldn't take all of this excitment. I was going to audition for the role of 'Olivia Westbrooke', she's a pureblood witch whose best friends with Draco Malfoy. In the 6th book they fall in love and have to become deatheaters for the Dark Lord. I call him Lord Voldy since I have trouble pronuncing his real name. But there's a twist at the end Olivia ends up helping Harry kill lord voldy in the Battle of Hogwarts. BADDIE ALERT!!!

Mum said we would be leaving at 2:30 to head over to the audition place. I'm not nervous because I know deep down inside I was born to be an actor. I have always looked up to other actresses and always thought 'wow one day that's going to be me'. My mum says I have good acting skills and would be perfect being an actor, even if I don't get the part in the series I will for sure keep trying for other roles in different movies. "Come on y/n it's time to go!," my mum yelled from the kitchen. "I'm coming mum," I yelled back. I took one last look in the mirror. 'You got this you are y/n y/l/n, a beautiful, talented, and amazing girl'. Encourging myself was something I did often, if I didn't I wouldn't be as confindent in myself.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a bottle water with my script in the other hand. "Ok you have everything right? Your script and badge?," mum questioned as she grabbed the keys. "Yes ma'am." I waved my badge and script in her face. They made us get badges just in case someone tried to get in secrectly. She gave me a smile and grabbed my hand so we could walk out together. I got into the car and started going over my script reading my lines over and over again until I could remeber them by heart. The place was 2 hours away so it was the perfect time period to go over the lines. Olivia did have a great deal of lines in this movie. She was going to be in Slytherin, which is one of the houses in the movie, there are 3 other houses too Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and ravenclaw. I have taken many many tests online and I actually have a slytherin personality. Pretty cool huh!

My phone was buzzing with good luck texts from my family and friends. Everyone in my family knows how important today is for me, and my friends. I am pretty popular at school but that was due to me being "pretty" and being a star athlete. I play soccer, volleyball, and I do cheer. Mum makes me do cheer, I personally hate it. The girls were mean and rude all the time. I hated going to school everyday the girls would find a new way to bully me or harass me. School just sucks. But if I get this role mum wants me to trasfer schools to be closer to set. Now I'm extra praying I get this part.

As we got closer to the place my heart started pounding faster and faster. It was for real happening, I was for real going to be doing a real audition for a real movie. "Are you excited dear?' mum asked pulling into the parking sport she found. "Yes I am more than ever!" I beamed. I got everything I needed before getting out of the car. My phone in my back pant pocket, my water bottle, my badge and script. The sun was beaming on my skin causing me to sweat just a tad bit. It was a beautful day to be auditioning but a little to hot to be standing out here. "Mum hurry up I don't want to stink!" "Okay okay dear lets go,"

I was the first one to make it into the building, the cool breeze hit my face and boy did it feel good. I waited for my mum before fulling going inside. There were a bunch of people, some waiting in line to check in and some just chilling. The building was 5 stories high. The Harry potter auditions weren't the only ones being held in this building. Some other show was too but my main focus was on the one I had to even care. I was way to nervous and this caused my hand to practically flew into my mums hands. She squeezed it giving me reassurance that I was okay. She led us up to the table where we were supposed to check in.

"Hello! Name please," a tallish brown haired lady asked.

"Y/n Y/l/n," my mum replied.

The lady typed my name into the computure that sat infront of her. She looked at me then back at the screen. "Okay goodie your here just in time. You will be in room 394 on the 3rd floor. You will do your lines that were highlighted in your script, the directors will ask you questions after and then you will be done! Oh almost forgot you will be auditioning in the same room as Tom Felton, he's trying out for Draco Malfoy which it says here will be your characters boyfriend and best friend," she giggled at the last part. "Okay I won't keep you here any longer good luck hon!"

"Thank you," I smiled. She nodded and went on to the next person as we moved out of line. My heart did a little flip at the thought of auditioning with my movie best friend and later on boyfriend. I just hope he's nice in real life... I can't deal with another bully.

Me and mum walked over to the elevators that would bring us up to the third floor, as we were walking two other people were rushing to get in as well.

"Hold please!," the lady yelled. My mum held the elevator doors open so she could get in. The lady made it in with her son.

"What floor?," my mum asked.

"3 please," the lady answered.

"Oh same floor as us!," my mum smiled at the lady.

"Great! I'm Shannon Felton and this is my son Thomas," Shannon beamed reaching out to shake my mum's hand. "I go by Tom," the little brown haired boy said quietly. He shook my mum's hand as well.

"Nice to meet you guys! I'm Gloria y/l/n and this is my daughter Y/n," my mum smiled back while shaking each one of their hands. I shook Shannon's hand lightly and shook Toms hand.

Soon after our introductions we reached the third floor. We all walked together to the room. The door had a sign on it that said 'Audition in Progress', this meant we had to wait until they were done.

While our mothers talked, me and tom sat down against the wall that was in front of the room we had to be in soon.

"So who are you auditioning for?," Tom asked smiling at me.

"Olivia Westbrooke and I'm guessing you are auditioning for Draco Malfoy?," it came out more like a question, even though I knew the answer.

"Yup I sure am! And that's cool you'll be playing my best friend in the movie. Maybe we could be best friends in real life!," Tom giggled moving closer to me so we were sitting knee to knee.

I have him a warm smile. "Of course! We have to be best friends in real life to play best friends in the movie! It will make it more realistic," I huffed out. I was way to excited.

"Could I have your phone number?," Tom asked grabbing his phone out of his pocket. I nodded and put my number in. "Here put urs in now," I gestured while giving him my phone. He did the same with my phone.

We both talked and talked, making jokes and special handshakes only we knew. Before we knew it our names were being called into room 394.

"Thomas Felton & Y/n Y/l/n"

Tom looked at me and grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze it's okay we got this!

𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀, 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀, 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 (Tom Felton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now