Chapter 11- Confusion is in the air

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Y/n POV:
He leaned closer in my heart started racing faster and faster, was I ready for this? Letting Tom be my first kiss was something I hadn't planned on. My nerves were shooting through my body causing my palms to get sweaty. Right when the tips of our noses touched... boom my elbow shot up to hide my face.

I sneezed.

"Oh I'm sorry!," I apologized realizing I hit him in the face. "It's fine haha anyways you wanna watch a movie?," Tom replied. His face was red and his voice filled with disappointment. So he was going to kiss me...

"Yeah sure but you will fall asleep Tom"

"No I won't y/n," he defended gasping at my comment.

"You said that last time and guess what you fell asleep"

"Whatever I'll put on a random movie okay?"

I nodded and watched as Tom got up and went to put in a movie. My heart ached slightly at the fact I hurt his feelings, but I just wasn't ready to kiss anyone just yet. Even if I was ready my first kiss wouldn't be with my best friend. I don't ever see myself dating him ever. I've seen way to many movies to understand nothing comes good from dating your best friend.

Maybe in our past lives the two people we used to be were together but in this universe and time we are just best friends.

Plus I'm pretty sure I'm starting to see him as a brother.

Yes he's extremely attractive and very much a good man but he's not my type, I don't think. I haven't known him long enough to see his honest and true colors. To see how he really is in the real world. I guess I'll have to wait.


Tom's POV:
This movie was actually good don't know the name of it but it's about a dog finding it's way home. It was sad but a beautiful movie. I couldn't stop thinking about what was about to happen just an hour ago. Everything felt right at the moment. Both of us were in good mood and bonding like we've known each other for ages.

Did she want to kiss me too?

"Hey y/n-," I peeked over and saw her peacefully sleeping, light snores were heard once I turned the volume down. 'Gosh she's beautiful' I thought. I slowly got out of bed and crept to the door trying my hardest not to make any sudden or loud noises. Maybe it was time to sit and talk to mum about what just happened. I mean I was fixing to kiss y/n. Was it just because we were in that moment? Or was there something hidden deep?

As I walked out into the hallway Mum came around the corner. "Mum!," I whispered yelled. "Yes dear?" "Can we talk please it's important." Mum nodded and walked towards her bedroom which was down the hall from mine. I already know mums going to like the idea but would she get mad that I almost kissed her?

We walked in and I sat on her bed nervously waiting.

"What's wrong dear?," Mum asked as she walked over to sit beside me.

"Well I almost kissed y/n," I blurted out

Mhm looked at me with wide eyes and a small smile creeped up upon her face. "And?"she asked impatiently waiting to see if we kissed or not. An evil idea popped up in my head.

"And I leaned forward closer and closer every second to the point i could feel her soft breaths amongst my cheek." At this point I couldn't hold back the smirk I was holding back. "Her perfume was intoxicating and sweet it made me lean ever more closer"

"FOR HEAVNS SAKE TOM COME ON WITH IT!," Mum yelled hitting my shoulder.

"She sneezed and I couldn't kiss her," I finally let out. Mum looked at me with sad eyes. "It's okay though mum I want to try again soon. Maybe when I take her out would be a good time I don't know. Honesty mum I don't know if she'll be up to the idea of kissing me, or being with me at all some day. I would like to at least get the chance but I'm scared to lose her entirely," I confessed.

"Well it sounds like both of you have a lot of work to do. But sweetie only time will tell. Take things slowly get to really know her. Understand everything in her life. From why she does certain things to why certain words hurt the most. To make a good boyfriend or girlfriend you have to understand each other. Know what they've been through so you don't repeat history. Dating isn't something you can just jump into right away, there are specific steps you have to take before getting serious."

"Like what mum?"

"Knowing what makes her laugh unconditionally until her stomach cramps and tears of joy are coming out. Knowing how she likes her sandwiches cut or what she likes on them. Making sure you know how to handle her emotions when times get tough. Creating a bond so strong that even when the two of you fight you can communicate with one another instead on ignoring each other. Y/n is a beautiful girl who hasn't experienced love yet give her time. The rule is you fall in love 3 times before you find your true soulmate. Now rather or not that's true let her have some experience in the dating area. Let her find what she truly wants in a relationship or boyfriend. If you two end up together great but if you two don't, don't be upset at least she's in your life forever as best friends."

A tear fell from my cheek. "Mum your words were beautiful. How long do you think it will take before she realizes I'm the one," I joked being a little too cocky. "It will take a long time if she ever starts thinking that but for now enjoy what you two have. Is she awake?"

"Yes but she fell asleep again an hour into our movie we were watching," I explained.

"Okay good well I'm fixing to go make dinner why don't you go take a nap with her and I'll come you two when it's ready?"

"Okay mum"

I got up and walked back into my room and y/n was still sound asleep. My mind raced with all these thoughts about me and y/n being together. Then there were some about me and y/n not being together. It hurt thinking about her being with someone else but just like mum said I need to wait all of this out.

I climbed back into bed and cuddle up against y/n. Her skin was extremely soft and warm. For a second I couldn't imagine life without her. A life where we weren't together forever in each other's arms. Sadly that feelings went away just as fast as a gust of wind in the summer day. Kissing the back of her head was the last thing I did before falling fast asleep with her in my grasp.

A/n: sorry this is extremely short I had to make this quick so next chapter will be even better. next few chapters will be wayyy longer than this one.

Btw just a quick little background Tom is 13 and Y/n is 12. They will be doing the first Harry Potter script read very soon. This is a very very much a slow burn love story between the two.

Surprises await in chapters 16-25 ;). I have this story fully planned out and right now I'm up to chapter 97 just editing them to make the story even better. This will be an extremely long, bumpy, emotional and just great story.

𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀, 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀, 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 (Tom Felton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now