Jackass || Part 3.||

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775-888-8765: I know you read my message. I can feel it

775-888-8765: you're seriously not gonna reply to me now

775-888-8765: when you said you have to go somewhere did you mean ... is it because your with that Alex guy?! I see you two talking in the hall the other day, he was too close to you can I say. Against school policy

You: I'm not with Alex. Why do you care we aren't together.

775-888-8765: we are together. We are just in a tad argument.

You: We stopped dating that very moment you didn't want to be seen with me in front of your friends. You completely ignored me at the party, while you hung out with your friends I sat by myself thinking why I even came why I even decided to go out with someone like you.

775-888-8765: im sorry you felt that way. I was afraid to face you

You: afraid to face me?! No Luke. You were afraid to settle down with me, you were afraid to be in a real relationship with someone. That's the real reason why.

775-888-8765: your right. I was a coward douche who did not realize the best thing that has happened to me was right in front of me. I let her slip away.

You: I loved you. Maybe I was just confused. I was so caught up in your nice - guy act that I did not realize what a total jackass you truly were

Jackass || Part 3||

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