Childhood Friend// Pt 4

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Michael: just tell her you like her mate, what's the worst that can happen?

Calum: she will totally start avoiding me, that's what she'll do Mike. She's not good when it comes to people liking her, she gets so nervous that she crinkles her nose which is actually really cute but still.

Michael: I'm pretty sure she likes you

Calum: no she likes you! But she can't like you

Michael: WHAT WHY?!

Michael: you didn't tell her I was gay did you?!

Calum: Michael what do I do? She probably thinks of me as a fucking brother, while I look at her more than that way way more

Michael: I'll talk to her

Calum: you will? But what will you say?

Michael: just let me do the talking.

Calum: thanks mikey

Michael: now. DID YOU TELL HER I WAS GAY?!

Calum: yeah sorry 😁

Michael: fuck Calum! Please tell me you didn't choose luke as my partner..

Calum read at 2:46 pm*

Michael: oh man! You could've choose someone better!

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