Childhood // Pt 8

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Savannah: you called me over dramatic?!

Calum: who told you I said that

Savannah: Michael spilled the beans

Calum: well yeah I did cause you were don't try and deny it

Savannah: Calum what are you talking about?!

Calum: ever since you showed up for "me" and you to hangout again you've been nothing but with Michael, or Ash Luke's been the one here for me don't even know why you came in the first place

Calum: until yesterday of course

Savannah: if you noticed which you haven't because you've been so distant from us is I tried to hangout with you multiply times

Savannah: don't worry you won't have to deal with me soon.

Calum: what the fuck does that mean?

Calum: that you're going home?! See this is the kind of over dramatic thing I'm seeing

Calum: Have a good trip home

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