Friendship or Enemies 14

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"Kylie, please trust me." I pleaded. Holding her hand, holding her back from walking out of my room.

She stood silent for just a moment, but nodded her head. "But I can't say it, I'm too embarrassed." She whispered.

I shook my head. "Don't be embarrassed, please. I am not going to judge you." I reassured her. She didn't look convinced at all.

"How about I just text you it." She then says. "You can sit outside, while I sit here by the floor, that way you don't have to see my face when I tell you."

It seemed silly, and ridiculous, that it would have to come to this to text me what was going up. But, I can judge. This could be serious, I have to wait until she tell me.

Sighing, I nodded my head. "Alright, fine. But don't leave a single thing out."

"I wont." She said, and intertwined her hand with mine.

Shocked at her action, I stood cold and blinked repeatedly. She didn't seem to notice my sense of reaction, she just pulled me out of my room and closed if softly.

I slid down, and pulled my phone out.

Crossing my legs together, I leaned my head against the wooden door and waiting for the ding to make sound.

Kylie: ready?

Ashton: go ahead

Kylie: promise me something first.

Ashton: anything

Kylie: promise me you won't judge me, or treat me any different. Please I beg of you.

Ashton: Kylie, I would never judge you. I promise you, I won't.

Kylie: okay

I waited a few minutes, and then started to wonder if she was going to text back for not. She was sitting behind this door, I could always check... No.

Just then my phone buzzed.

Kylie: I was sexually abused by my step dad. I have been since my mum got married with him, that was in middle school. Ashton, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of everything, he's the one who hit me he's the one who smacked me, leaving this bruise on my cheek. My mom does not know, she is completely unaware of the things he's been doing to me. Why? Because he is manipulative, prick, who has done nothing by ruin my life.

My eyes began to water, and I felt the warm tears slip from my eyes.

The burning sensation I held inside of me boiled with anger, that I stood up and marched inside, throwing my phone on my desk and pulling Kylie into a hug where she began to sob.

She was stiff, from my grasp on her, it took her nearly minutes for her to get comfortable. When she finally did, she wrapped her arms tightly against my waist and buried her face in the side of my neck.

I cradled her head, and just rubbed her back gently. Whispering "please don't be ashamed of what he did to you, you are the victim. We have to go to the police." She only sobbed no's, and a few "he will hurt me, or my mom."

But I reassured her, that I would not let him lay a finger on either one of us.

Hi everyone c:

So I couldn't help but notice I lost a few followers :( I'm not sure if it's because I don't post often like (every day wise,) and can I just say I'm sorry, but I do have school to focus on and not to mention exams. But it honestly broke my heart.

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