Little Sister Part 12

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You: he broke up with me, ash

Ashton: im sorry y/n maybe it was for the best?

You: are you kidding me right now? You pushed him away from me again like you've done since that break up

Ashton: y/n I've been protecting you! How the hell could you get angry at me for trying to protect you!

You: protecting me from what Ashton?! getting my heart broken again? You can't protect me from that, it's life. Sure I thought I was in love years ago, but I was wrong and know now that what I feel for Michael is real

Ashton: you don't know anything, you're only 16

You: I can't believe you right now

Ashton: you're going to thank me later not now but later, im not only doing it for you

You: than for who?!

Ashton: for Michael's sake. I seen how you treat guys y/n when they start to fall for you, you get to scared and break it off before anything starts to happen. You break them in the most horrible way and I can't let you do that to Michael

Ashton: Im sorry y/n

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