FOE // part 15

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I pretended to fall asleep, i wanted him to leave so then I could be on my own for a while.

You know how awful it feels right now? I have never told another person this, and I feel so opened, I feel naked.

I cracked an eye open, and watched Ashton slowly began to leave the room, before closing my eye shut again.

"Hey–" Michael intruded, but was quickly shushed by Ashton.

Once the door was shut, I quickly sat up and began looking for my things.

He's going to tell them about me.

He's going to tell.

Kept repeating in my mind, and I did my best to keep my silence as I searched for my shoes.

I could not exit out from the front, they all must be gathered around there. I have no try and leave from the window.

My gaze turned from the door, as I walked toward it and quietly turned the lock, and made my way toward his bed.

The window was narrow, and it laid on its side. If I were to make a single sound they would hear it and run to check up on me.

Sighing. I wrapped my hair up in a pony tail, and began to unlock the window.

It was hard, since it needed two people to open, and not just one.

Shutting my eyes, I softly grunted, as I put all my strength in one ball and pushed myself until the window cracked open.

In the process I managed to hurt my wrist.

I didn't care to much to look, so I threw my bag onto the concrete, and settled my leg over, pulling me up with my upper body strength, until I was now outside.

I rolled over, and closed the window.

Getting up. I patted myself down, and looked around in the process, making sure no one was around to see.

"Where do I go.." I mumbled to myself, as I sneakily walked down his drive way and began to run down the street.

I can't stop running until I am around the corner, that is when I'm no longer visible.

"Where do I go!" I mumbled once again.

I looked into my bag, and began in search of some cash. I had twenty dollars left over.

A gust of wind passed by me, and u gasped at the sudden chill of wind. It was a bus.

The light clicked inside me, and I picked my pace up.

I jumped onto the bus, and stuffed my hand in desperate need of change.

"Here." I said. Pushing the coins into the machine, before taking my seat in the back.

I sighed.

Rubbing my face with my palm, before turning around to look outside the window, only to notice Luke's figure come out from the corner, looking around back and forth before sprinting towards the bus.

I panicked, and shot down to the ground.

Cupping my hands together I prayed that he wouldn't come in the bus to look for me.

"Please don't.."

"Please don't.."


"Kylie!" Luke loudly said. My heart stopped but I didn't move.

"Sir, do you have change." The bus driver asked.

"No I don't but Im looking for someone I promiSe I won't st–"

"No change, no ticket in." The driver argued.

My heart was racing. Me being on the floor, I stuck my face out a little from the seat, and seen both of them arguing, and Luke trying to explain to him but the driver not taking it.

Eventually, the driver said if he did not get off the bus, he would have no choice but to call the police.

"Fine! Fine. I'll leave." Luke grunted, as he stomped off the bus.

Sighing. I heard the doors close, and the bus start its engine again.

"Was she in there?!" I heard a voice from outside. "No, I don't know he wouldn't let me pass the entrance." Luke them said.

"I've got change cmon." That's when my heart stopped again, and my palms began to sweat again.

The bus began to drive off, and you could hear the faint voices of the two boys yelling for the bus to wait.

I sat up, and just closed my eyes, from letting the tears spill from my eyelids.

That was close.

Quick shoutout to one of my favorite people in the world luke_is_a_hamster book "Before You Go" I honestly suggest you check it out, it will make you cry in the first sentence - first chapter.
If she gets some feedback on her work, I'll put another one of these "texts" later today and tomorrow instead of Monday! Much love :)

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