Childhood // Pt 11

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Ending c:


Savannah: excuse me??

Ashton: Michael I knew I shouldn't have had you say it..


Savannah: what are you Guys talking about? Oh no I did Calum make you guys turn against me now

Savannah: cause he's lying, he had told me he didn't want me Hanging with you guys he even threaten to slap me!

Calum: OMG Savannah stop lying,
Who the hell are you?! Cause you're not my childhood friend

Calum: this should be said offline!


Setting my phone of the bedside table I got up from my seat and headed towards the door.

Reaching for the doorknob I turned it only to be faced with Luke. 'You ready to kick some butt?' Was the first thing he said to me.

Rolling my eyes, I walk past him and down the hallway. 'Where is Michael and Ash?' I asked Luke as we headed into the elevator.

'Downstairs, they were already out the door.' Turning to glance at Luke I noticed he had a baseball bat with him.

Taken aback, I shake my head. 'Luke what the fuck do you have in your hand?!' I questioned as I scratched the back of my head

Luke looked down at his hand and back up to me, with the creepiest smile I had ever seen. 'I did say kick some butt did I not?'

Ignoring him, I shake my head. Once we were out in the Lobby I seen Michael and Ashton taking picture with a few fans that were staying at the hotel.

Even though we were in a rush we all took pictures with them before leaving, they were so happy and it made my day, besides the whole Savannah thing.

Michael had been saying how she had just left to the airport and her plane did not leave until nine, so we had half an hour to find this girl and confront her.

The entire way there I kept my eyes focused on the window. She was trying to break the bond between me and the boys.. Who is she? Because she was not the girl I met in grade school.

Turns out on the ride to the airport the boys had also said they tried inviting me to places but Savannah kept on saying I was busy or had other plans.

She was parting us away, besides studio time and a few shows.

I felt a warm hand placed on my shoulder, turning my head curiously, it was Michael. He gave me a genuine smile before turning to whack Luke for sleeping.

Chuckling I turn back towards the window.

I hope Savannah has a really good explanation for this.


'FIND HER!' Lucas shouted into the airport just as we stepped in.

Whipping my hand back into his chest I hissed at him. 'Keep your voice down idiot.' Which regained a girlish shriek from him.

Before we stepped off our bus, we had to be dressed to be unrecognizable. But knowing our fans if we talked in our normal voices at all our cover we be blown.

We can blow our cover after we speak to Savannah.

'Hey is that here?' Ashton asked as he pointed towards a figure just feet away from us.

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