Group Chat: You're adopted

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Calum: Luke is a babe

Ashton: I thought I was babe.. :(

Michael: Ha! Side hoe

Luke: I don't want to be your babe

Michael: ouch!

Calum: :( but you squeezed my ass and whispered into my ear saying "your hot af"

Ashton: what?

Luke: I was no where near you last night! I was with my mum!

Calum: luke it's okay, we don't have to hide our emotions anymore.

Calum: come out babe!

Ashton: this is stupid.

Michael: shut the fuck up ash, I wanna know if luke will accept Calum or not!

Calum: Luke you came out before why hide now!!!! :(((((((((

Luke: the only thing I came out from was my mum, Liz.

Calum: ...

Ashton: ...

Michael: you were adopted

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