Childhood // Pt 7

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Michael: dude wtf did you say to Savannah?

Ashton: yeah she won't come out from her hotel room

Luke: she won't answer my texts :(

Calum: I didn't say anything to her she's being over dramatic like always

Luke: Cal.. What's up with you?

Michael: right, you must've said something to her cause none of us had spoken to her all day

Calum: chill, all I said was to go have fun with you guys that I'm busy and in no need of talking

Ashton: busy doing what?!

Ashton: just a second ago I seen you butt naked eating cheese puffs and watching Teenwolf

Calum: HEY! That's busy stuff

Michael: well the teenwolf is an acceptation...


Ashton: and dance with me..

Ashton: sorry I had to

Michael: let's go guys we don't need to be in this conversation with a dick 😒

Ashton: disappointed in you Cal, she's your best gal she came here for you and you blow her off like this

Luke:... Yeah let's go

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