I Only Want You: Ashton

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Ashton: babeeeee I want to speak to you about something really really important.

You: I'm all ears. Or eyes..

Ashton: are you happy? Like.. With me?

You: I'm laughing what? Are you kidding me?!

Ashton: (Y/N) im being serious.

You: yeah so am I. How you could you even think for sec that I'm not happy? That's like saying muke isn't real.

You: Ashton. I am happy, as long as I am with you i will always be happy.

Ashton: I'm sorry I doubted you.

You: where is this coming from?

Ashton: last night we had an interview and the guy asked how it was to have a long distance relationship. You know not being able to be with the person you love all the time and all.

Ashton: and well I got to thinking. I started to wonder if you were happy, I can't always be there when you need me physically, or I can't hang out with you as often. I only get to see you through Skype and face time. Through a screen (Y/N) a fucking screen. I just feel.. Your deserve better than this..

You: Ashton Fletcher Irwin, you better not break up with me through text or at all.

Ashton: I'm not its just..

You: look. When we first started out, we both knew it'd be a challenge, we both excepted it, and took it. Don't you ever tell me deserve better because I don't want anyone else or anything better.

You: I only want you.

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