Childhood Friend // Pt 5

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Calum: Savannah where are you?

Calum: answer me! If you don't answer it means you died!


Savannah: Calum chill 😂 I'm fine, I'm just out with Michael

Calum: oh, but you have your phone you could've texted back :(

Savannah: I had left it on the sand since Michael thought it was a good idea to go swimming

Calum: you guys went swimming?

Calum: you wore clothes right?

Savannah: no we went skinny dipping.. Of course we wore clothes cal!

Calum: ha ha funny. 😒 well I just wanted to know if you wanted to grab dinner with me after the interview?

Savannah: actually Michael already offered and I don't want to be rude

Savannah: look cal I'll text you later the ice cream man pulled up and Michael is arguing with the poor guy

Calum: alright .. Have fun!

Calum: I'll just have dinner with Ashton... And Lucas

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