Hugs and Kisses, Stars for Wishes | L.H

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L.H: Well good morning wonderful beautiful future wifey ;)

S.R: What happened now

L.H: my parents want to have dinner with you and me

S.R: haha no

L.H: Sam, you can't just not meet my parents weeks before the wedding they will think something's up like we are faking it

S.R: Oh! But we are faking it Idiot

L.H: we at least gotta make it seem real they already think I'm lying since I have never mentioned a girlfriend or fiancé

S.R: fine, I'll do it. But you owe me big time Hemmings

L.H: I owe you nothing, you are having the privilege of marrying me

S.R: I don't have another choice

L.H: see, neither do I. Don't worry once we are married and a year has passed we are out of each other's lives for good

S.R: the sooner the better

L.H: pleasure doing business with you Samantha, sweetheart ;)

* * * *


"Behave, I want people to think I married a human not an animal!" I hissed into his ear.

"and I want people to think I married Selena Gomez, I guess we both can't get whatever we want." He shot back as he slipped his hand ever - so gracefully out of my lock.

* * * *

Here is a little snip of what my book will be based off, and just a little
Sneak peak!

It would mean a lot if you could give me feed back on it? Thank you all xx

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