Little Sister Pt 1

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Dedicated to Mrs_Horan_Clifford, everyone should go follow her :)

Ashton: We have a problem...

You: Hey ashton! What's the problem?

Ashton: good news or bad news, pick

You: neither

Ashton: OKAY good news your plane lands in 30 minutes...

You: Oi!!! NO WAY REALLY?!!! it's not like I heard it from the pilot seconds ago

Ashton: Bad news I won't be able to pick you because I'm in the studio recording some songs.... DONT HATE ME

You: I really wanted my brother to pick me up!😑WHOS PICKING UP THAN

Ashton: I know I'm sorry but don't worry I have my best people on the job

You: I hate you

Ashton: awe how sweet I love you too ❤️

[ wait for the next second part :) there are about 14 parts to this text! ]

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