Spinning Wheel

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"Hey, um, Beatrice was it?" Evie spoke up making me nod "Thank you for sticking up for me back there" Says Evie making me smile "It's no problem, Evie

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"Hey, um, Beatrice was it?" Evie spoke up making me nod "Thank you for sticking up for me back there" Says Evie making me smile "It's no problem, Evie. Audrey needs to learn anyways"

"Where you learn that stuff?" Mal asks curious "Well I read. A lot. Like my mother I guess. I'm on your mother's book right now I best believe" I look at her "And I just think she's just misunderstood honestly. I mean at first, she was nice and I guess you can say she was Aurora's Godmother or whatever she called herself to her. Until that horrible man, she met when she was younger cut her wings off. I'm pretty she still hates him to this day. I'm guessing that was her villain's original story. Am I right?" I ranted  as we kept walking to the girl's side first "Yes you are" Mal nodded surprised at my knowledge

"I'm gonna learn about every villain I know about, next I believe is Cruella, your mother of course" I looked at Carlos smiling at him. He smiled back. He's doesn't look like an evil villain to me "Anyways we are," I trailed off "Here. This is your two rooms" I pointed at the two girls. I gave them their keys and they walked right in. I turn to the boys "Its you guys now" I nodded my head to the side

"Here you guys go" I gave Jay the keys to their room and they walked in closing the door behind them. I smiled accomplished and walked my way to my castle since it's not a far of a walk.

Three person POV

In the boys room, Jay was removing all the things he stoled from inside his clothes while Carlos was up playing a video game.

The door opened showing the two girls. They admired the boys room in awe. They walk around the table, Mal went towards Jay.

"Jay, what are you doing?" She asked him "It's called stealing" He smirked "Okay, what's the point?" She said questioning him "Well," He cleared his throat "Mal, it's like buying whatever I want" He grabbed a laptop, opening it "Except its free" They both laughed "Okay. So, you can do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world" She sarcastically smiled at him. Evie sat down on Carlos bed checking her lipstick

Evie gasped "You sound just like you mom!" Evie told her, stopping what she was doing. Mal put her hand over her heart "Thank you!"

Jay closed the laptop "You do it your way and I'll do it mine" He told her throwing the laptop on his bed

"Die, suckers!" Carlos yelled as he killed some people on the game, He turned around and faced Jay "Jay, Come and check this thing out! Man, it's awesome!" Carlos said handing Jay the controls. Jay grabbed them and jumped up to the place. He immediately ducked down as the villain in the game strikes. He started throwing punches. Mal looked at them disbelief "Guys!" She called out for them, only Evie and Carlos looked back as Jay kept playing "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

"Fairy godmother... Blah blah blah" Jay started as he looks back then back to the game "Magic wand... Blah blah blah"

Evie and Carlos started laughing as Mal rolled her eyes "This is our one chance" Mal voice raises "To prove ourselves to your parents" Everyone stopped what they were doing after Mal mentions their parents and looks at her "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel" Mal nodded "Yeah?"

"Yeah" They all agreed in sync, Mal looked down "Evie, mirror me" She clapped her hands. Jay comes down from where he was standing as Evie takes out her Magic mirror. Everyone gathered around the rounded table. Evie sighs excitingly while staring at Mal. "Mirror, mirror on the—in my hand. Where is fairy godmothers wand..stand?" Evie asked the magic mirror in her hand. She moves the mirror out of her face for everyone to see.

A blue smoke fades out and it shows the wand "There it is!" Mal said "Zoom out" Carlos told Evie, She brings the Mirror close to her face again "Magic Mirror, not so close" The image zooms out showing the whole earth "Closer" She demands


"Closer!" Evie said getting tired of the mirror "Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three" Carlos said to his friends pointing behind him "Stop!" Jay yelled as the mirror showed what they needed

"It's in a museum? Do we know where that is?" Mal asked questions, Carlos started to type in the computer "2.3 miles from here" He informed turning the Computer to their way, they all smiled up at him proudly

Mal stands up from the chair she sat in before and opened the door to the boys room, She checked both sides to see if anybody is out "Come on" She ordered as she strolls down the hallway.

Carlos stayed behind back on his game "Carlos!" Mal whispered-yelled at him catching his attention "Coming!" He ran out putting his Red, Black, and white leather jacket on. They made it out of the building to the museum breathing heavily from running. "Check your mirror" Mal told Evie "Is my Mascara smudge?" Evie asked scared as she took out the mirror "Yeah. And hey, while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand"

"Sure" Evie sighed "This way" She leaded to the way as the other three ran behind her. They made it to the side of the building and walked up the stairs. They looked through the windows on the door. There was a security looking at the cameras turning his chair around making the kids move to each side. They came back a second later.

Mal eyes went straight to her mothers spinning wheel "That's your mothers spinning wheel?" Jay asked laughing with Carlos "Yeah, it's kind of dorky" Carlos commented, Mal rolled her eyes "It's Magic. It doesn't have to look scary" Mal told them and she took out her spell book. She began with a spell "Magic spindle do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger" The security just stared at the spinning wheel "Impressive" Jay shaked his head "I got chills" Carlos said and they began to laugh

Mal scoffed, "Okay, you know what" She started "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep" She spelled, she looks up from the book to see the security guard standing up from his chair and makes his way to the Spinning wheel. He lifted up his arm and poked himself in the spinning wheel.

The spinning wheel did a little spark making him make a noise and he started to yawn getting tired. He went off to sleep next to the spinning wheel making Mal chuckled "Not so dorky now huh" She smirked, She reached for the door handle and tried to pull it open but it was locked. She tried to open it rapidly but she then noticed it was locked

Jay smirked, "Stand back" He said as he backs up "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick" Mal quickly spelled. The door opened right when Jay was about to kick the door opened. He screamed as he fell down to the floor making thud sound. The two girls laughs at him. Mal kicked him in the back as Evie petted his head "Coming?" Mal asked

Carlos went to Jay and tried to help him up "Come on, Jay" But Jay pushed him off him "I'm good" Jay told Carlos "Just trying to help"

They all sneaked past the security while admiring the place. The security guard began to shake his leg making Jay gasp and run to the two guys as Carlos stayed back frozen "Carlos!" Mal called for him "Coming"

Out of time || Carlos De vilWhere stories live. Discover now