Coronation Day pt.2

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"So, then what? You've just been

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"So, then what? You've just been... Faking it since then?" Mal asked, Ben looked down and put his ring on her finger and kissed her hand "I haven't been faking anything" He responded, smiling at her looking at her in eye. Mal looked at him in eye back and nervously chuckled, the two made it to the front of the cathedral, Ben got up and holding Mal hands while bringing her down, a other guards held out his hand for Mal to hold on to it as well


Evil queen gasp as she noticed who it was "Well, if it isn't.." "My daughter" Maleficent cut her off, she placed her hand on her chest "Looking like some kind of..."

"Princess!" Snow White finished Maleficent sentence "Now, let's see, who this beauty is wearing?" Snow White said and opened a card as Evil Queen chuckled quietly while Maleficent mouth dropped "Evie" Snow White said her half sister name that she doesn't know of "Evie!" Evil Queen yelled scaring the others "That's my—Evie!"

"Someone named Evie designed her gown" Snow White chuckled "That's my daughter!" Evie queen continued "Oh, wow!" Maleficent said sarcastically "She sewed a dress. Meanwhile, my girl duped a prince and she's looking his close to grabbing the magic wand"

"Bitter, party of one. Bitter party of one" EQ said sarcastically "It's happening, people! It's happening!"  Maleficent yelled as she ran up the steps "I say, grid you loins! Grid your loins!" Maleficent ran a circle as the others watched her, Maleficent stopped running "Villains, our revenge begins today" They began laughing maniacally

While they were laughing that Mal might get the wand to break the barrier, The two newly couple went up the steps, as they pasted by people bowed or curtsy down, Mal curtsy at Belle making her smile, Bea and Beast huddled up with Ben behind them "about the other day, I just.." Mal was gonna explain herself but beast stopped her "I stopped Ben this wasn't going to be easy"

"You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself" Ben said looking at his father "Even when it isn't easy"

"I did?" Adam said confused but Belle slapped him in the arm "I–how very wise of me" Adam corrected himself making his daughter chuckle, Belle sighed happily and held her hands out grabbing Ben's hand "Ben, we are very proud of you"  Ben smiled at his mother "You keep listening to your heart"

"Thanks, mom" Ben said to her, Beast grabbed Ben shoulder "You're gonna make a fine king" Beast held out both of his hands for his wife and daughter "Bye Ben" Beatrice waved at her brother as the three of them walked away

Ben smiled at Mal walking a little more closer to her "Wish me luck" He said, an usher cleared his throat as his hand was out, Mal looked behind her and grabbed his hand, she chuckled as she walks away with the usher as Ben looked forward, he began walking forward and walked up the stairs as Camera was shuttering behind him taking pictures


The choir kids started singing as people talked to each other smiling or greeting each other but The 3 out of 4 group looked worried, worried if this plan wasn't gonna work or it will work and betray everyone trust they have started hanging out with over the past time they've been on Auradon

Jay looks towards at Evie, Evie looks back at him with worry on her eyes, she turned her head towards Carlos but Carlos just looked forward holding Dude with a straight face, The grand doors opens showing Ben walking towards the room, everyone awed at the sight of him, Adam got up from his chair holding his hand out to Belle as she stood up, Beatrice got up on her own smiling at her brother even though he can't see her from afar

Everyone bowed down as Ben walked pass them, Maleficent sat up straight at sight of Ben, as Ben was close to Mal she smiled and curtsied towards him, Ben looked at her and smiled and looked straight ahead again. Mal smiled dropped with worry on her eyes as well "Don't blow it, kiddo" Maleficent whispered to the Tv

Fairy godmother went up the stairs to the wand again, she hugged the two girls on the Beast family while giving them and kiss on the cheek, she went towards to Adam and curtsied down, Adam leaned down right when Fairy godmother got back up for her to grabbed his crown, Ben made it to the end of stairs and kneeled down. Fairy godmother put Adam crown on Ben's head, Ben looked up at his dad as Beast nodded at him

He smiled at his dad, Adam opened the glass protector as Belle grabbed the wand and handed it to Fairy godmother, Maleficent moved forward a little getting ready, Mal looked up at the top of the cathedral to see her friends they all looked down at her as well, Mal looked back at the scene in front of her, Fairy godmother walked in front of Ben while holding her wand with a great smile "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy godmother speak "Grab the thing already!" Maleficent said getting tired of the suspense "I do solemnly swear" Ben said looking up at FG

"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king" She says with a bright smile while placing the wand on Ben each shoulder but the crowd gasped as someone grabbed Fairy godmothers wand "Yes!" Maleficent cheered when she thought it was her daughter who grabbed the wand, everyone in that group cheered, The person pointed the wand up to the roof of the cathedral and a blue streak came out of the wand breaking the Barrier

Everything shakes in the isle making Maleficent and the others think the barrier as open completely "The barrier is broken!" Evil Queen exclaimed as Maleficent went up the steps to where her staff is "We're free!"

Maleficent opened the balcony door and turned around "Scepter!" She stated handing her hand out, her scepter flew in her hand when she yelled the word 'now'

She did a twirl as landing in the balcony pointing the scepter up in the while she did an Evil laugh, she turns into a green smoke and wandered off to the hole in the barrier


Beatrice POV

Everyone tried to cover themselves as the wand went crazy with sparks going off the wand "Child, what are you doing?!" Fairy godmother yelled at her daughter "If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" Jane stated, She moved to the side as the wand pushed her, everyone moved back but Mal, Ben ran towards his girlfriend "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!" Jane exclaimed as she tried to do a spell, She spins around not taking control over the wand

"Take cover!" Dad yelled, Mal ran her way to Jane holding the bottom of her dress, She grabbed the wand from Jane, they had a little fight as my mom yelled "Careful, Mal!"

Mal had a fully gripe to the wand, she looks around as Jane ran away from Mal as Ben came in front of her holding his hands towards us "Mal, give me the wand" Ben said calmly as he can

"Stand back" Mal said as the grand doors opened showing the other running their way to Mal "It's okay" Ben tried to assured her "Ben, I said stand back!" Mal said closing her eyes, "I told you so!" Audrey added, Mal pointed the wand towards making her scream and jump back, She moved back towards Ben right when the other made it behind her

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