Love potioning Ben

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Still 3rd POV

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Still 3rd POV

Audrey and and Ben walked their way to Ben's locker, some girls under them laughs making Audrey look down at them, the girls was touching each other hairs admiring them. Audrey slowed down her walk and Ben walked pass her to his locker, Mal sneaked in and pretended to go to her locker. The girls from under notice Mal and began saying hi and waving at her. Mal waved back and opened her her locker

Jay walked in and leaned into the locker next to Mal "Are you feeling kind of weird about this?" Jay asks Mal l, she turns around to face him "I mean, it's not bad here, you know"

"Are you insane?" Mal asks him as she puts the bag of cookies down "Long live evil! You're mean! You're awful! You're bad news! Snap out of it" Mal encouraged him and snapped her fingers in his face making him flinch. Jay sighs and looks down at the floor "Thanks, Mal. I needed that" Jay told her looking back up, they both laugh, Mal patted him in the arm and Jay walks away and leans into the railing

"Do you think they actually paid for those?" Audrey asks Ben while she still looks at the girls "Oh hello" Jay said to the girls, they laugh and walked to where he is "The names Jay" He introduced himself "You all going to the tourney game tonight?" He asks them, they all said yeah, Jay chuckled, "Keep a lookout for number eight, all right? Scoring the winning goal"

"She did it to Jane's hair, too, and fairy godmothers not happy about it" Audrey complained "What's the harm" Ben shrugged and let out a chuckled "Its gateway magic!" She whispers "Sure, it's starts with the hair. Next thing you know it's the lips and the legs" Mal peaks out in the corner of her locker and looks at the two "and the clothes and then everybody looks good and then where will I be?" Audrey asks frustrated, Beatrice walks out hearing Audrey, she rolls her eyes and walks her way "Audrey" She called, Audrey turns to look at her

"I have a question, it's more like a saying but still. You do know that you're not all that right? You're not important almost everyone here has a Queen and King as a parent" Beatrice smiled at her "Write that down and read each time you think you're important when you're not" Beatrice tilts her head and looks up at Ben "I'll see after the game, bro" Ben just nodded and looks back at Audrey as Beatrice walks away from the two

"Ugh whatever" Audrey scoffs and looks at Ben "You're just gonna let her talk to me like that?" She asks her boyfriend "I can't do nothing about it Audrey" Ben told her "Anyways Listen Audrey.."

Audrey just let out a sigh "I will see you at the game after my dress-fitting for the coronation, okay?" She nods as she speaks, Mal looks back further in her locker "Okay" Ben said "Bye, Bennyboo" She smiled and kiss him in the cheek. She turns away as Ben said 'Bye'

Mal grabs the bag of cookie and slams her locker shut "Hey, Bennyboo" She mocks, Ben turns and see Mal "Hey" he said back and walks towards her "I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip, do you want one?" Mal asked him as she move the bag side to side

"Uh, I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game" Ben reasoned pointing behind him "But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time. Next time" He said beginning to walk away "No, yeah" Mal responded "I completely understand. 'Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains'" Mal guilt tripped Ben tried to stop her "No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that"

"No, no. That's not it. No, no, no. I really do... I have-"

"No, I get it. You're cautious. That's smart. Oh, well, more for me, I guess" Mal said opening the bag taking the cookie out, she was about to eat the cookie but Ben snatched it out from her hand and ate it "See that? Totally trust you" He said as he chewed the cookie "Totally" Mal looks back at her friends signaling them to come over, they began moving slowly as Mal looks back at Ben "Hoe are they?" She asks him "They're good" Ben told her smiling "They're great! They're amazing!"

"They're... I mean, they're chewy and, you know, they.. is that walnuts?" He asks as he chewed the cookie more, Mal nodded to his question "I love walnuts" They both laugh "I mean, you know, the-the chocolate" He clears his throat as the potion started to work "the chocolate" He began stuttering his words repeating them "Chocolate chips are... I'm sorry, um..." Ben closed his eyes, slightly shaking his head "they're warm and soft" Ben looks back at Mal and stared at her more as the other three was coming closer to the two "and they're sweet"

Ben looks at Mal in the eyes "Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" He asks, he was gonna take a other bite to his cookie but Mal took it away rapidly and puts it in the bag, Jay went behind Ben "How you feeling, bro?" He smirks "I feel... I feel.." he began to stutter "I feel like singing your name" He talked louder "Mal! Mal!" He sings mostly like yell as Beatrice walks back where he is, she stops walking when she heard Ben screamed out Mal's name, she stands next to Doug "Do you know what's going on?" She asks Doug, he shakes his head "All I know is that Mal gave Ben a cookie and he started acting like this"

"Oh okay" She said starting to walk to my locker but stops cold on her feet "you said that she gave him a cookie?" Doug nodded in responded "She must've gave him a love potion" She whispers, Doug stares at her "What did you say?" He asks "You know for a nerd. You're pretty dumb" She said flicking his head making him step back "Go before you're late to your band" She ordered him and turns around walks towards the five, Jay whistles while looking at the cookie, Beatrice grabs the cookie and hold Ben in the arm "Come on Ben, you're gonna be late to your big game" She told him and dragged him away from the four

She looks down at the cookies and threw them at the trash as the others stared at her in shock "He deserves it" She whispers to herself "He needs a new lover anyways, Audrey is too much even mom thinks it"

"Did you say something?" Ben asks "Nothing Ben" She smiles up at him "He'll figure out on how to get out this potion himself" She thinks

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