Helping Ben

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Right when I was about close my locker someone slams it shut, I look at who did it and it was Chad "Chad" I said with a straight face and began my walking to my dorm "You're gonna pay for embarrassing me that other day"

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Right when I was about close my locker someone slams it shut, I look at who did it and it was Chad "Chad" I said with a straight face and began my walking to my dorm "You're gonna pay for embarrassing me that other day"

"Actually you embarrassed your cocky self," I told him, pointing at him "Plus what are you going to do about it? Cry to your mom and dad?"

Chad stammered in his words, I smirked as he stomped away. I made it to my dorm right when I opened the door I heard someone yelled my name, I groaned as I look in the direction where I heard it "Yes Ben?"

"I need your help!" He said grabbing my shoulders "Ben, if you don't get your hands off me in the next two seconds, you won't have hands" I said seriously making him take his hands off me, I smiled at him "What do you need help with Ben?" Opening the door to my room, I walked in with Ben behind me, he closed the door behind him "I need your help with setting up a date and pick out an outfit" He says playing with his fingers

I put my stuff down on my desk and turned to Ben "You came to the right gal" I told him and rolled my eyes "Are you alright?" Ben asked putting his hands down "Peachy" I responded, "Okay where do you want this date?" I asked, He think for a second "At the enchanted lake"

"Mm" I hummed "Good choice," I told him "You taking Mal right?"

"Who else would I be taking?" He asked with some sass "I don't know. Audrey" I said sarcastically while shrugging "Anyways, I'll help you"

"You would?" He said excited "What did I just say, Ben?" Ben rolled his eyes and took my arm "Well we better do this now" He began to drag me out of the school to his Vespa, "Come on" He says getting into his Vespa, I groan as I climb on and hold into Ben's waist "It will be faster on the motor" He explained as he turned it on "You know I hate this thing" I rolled my eyes and he began driving it

I climbed off the motor and admired the lake " I haven't been here in a while" I said looking around "Me too" Ben said putting his helmet away "Well, come on. Let decorate this place for your date" I began walking towards the small place.

We began decorating the place. I place down the last thing which is the basket that had the food in "And we are done" I said wiping my hands on my pants "Thanks Bea" Ben said smiling at me, I look at him "Oh this is nothing" I brushed it off "Now I think it is now time to get you dressed no?"

"Yep you are correct" Ben laughed leading his way to his Vespa, we made it to our parents' castle and went to Ben's room "Okay you pick some outfits for the date and I'll tell you what you can wear got it," I said to him, He nodded and grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change

2 minutes later

Ben came out in a suit, I look up from my phone to him "Dude. You're going to a lake, not a ball, go back and change into something normal"

3 minutes later

Ben came out of the bathroom with a button-up blue shirt with white pants "Hm, it's actually not that bad" I said as Ben check himself out in the mirror "I think this one is it" Ben said fixing his collar of his shirt "me too" I said getting up from his bed and to the mirror, I look at him up and down "Okay! This is when I leave and finally go to my dorm to my bed" I clapped my hands and walked out of Ben room with him behind me


3rd POV

Evie went outside looking for Doug. When she found him studying while eating, she smiled while running towards him, when she was close enough to him she stops and takes a deep breath. She removed her quiz behind her back and put her arms around Doug showing him her grade

"For the first time it's like I'm more than just a pretty face," She told him, They laughed "A shocker, huh?" Doug joked smiling up at her, Evie placed her quiz down and sat down next to Doug. "You were pretty great in there," Evie told him "So were you," Doug said making Evie chuckle "I bet I can get an 'A' on the next test without the mirror"

Mal was driving herself crazy trying to find Evie, when she finally found her she raised her hand, "Yeah. Well, maybe we can get together and we'll hand out with-"

"Yeah, let's get together" Evie interrupted him as Mal came closer to the two "There you are!" Mal said frustrated "I have been looking for you literally everywhere!"

"What's wrong?" Evie asked worried, Mal slammed her hands on the table taking a breath "Ben just asked me out on.. a date" Mal said taking a pause, Doug let out a breathless laugh as Evie smiled shutting her eyes close "Nice" Doug commented "We can handle this" Said Evie, she looked at Doug "Bye" She told him getting up "Bye"

Evie got close to Mal's face "You're looking a little pale" She said moving her hair out of her face "Well, yeah, of course"

"But I can fix that with some gloss and some blush," Evie said touching Mal shoulders as they began walking away from Doug

"Mal, I can use the-"
"No, no, no"
"Don't be scared"

Doug smiled and took a drink and continued studying

Mal and Evie sat on Mal's bed as Evie put some blush on Mal's face, Evie tilted Mal's head and continued what she was doing before Mal stopped her "Okay. Easy on the blush" Mal told her putting Evie's hand down "I don't want to scare him away. Not that I could" Evie continued the blush, She chuckled and started talking "Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes" Evie did the last stoke on Mal's cheeks, she put away the brush and blush and took out a lipstick

"My mom was never really big on makeup tips," Mal said as Evie tapped on the lipstick and put some on Mal's lips "I never had a sister"

"Well, now you do," Evie told her "We're gonna need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off," She said shaking her head "My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. Just ask Snow White"

Mal smiled as Evie put away the lipstick "Are you afraid of her?" She asked her blue-haired best friend, Evie looked at her and sighed quietly "Sometimes. Are you afraid of your mom?" Evie asked the question back, Mal took a second to think "I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her" Mal rants while spacing off to the side, Evie listened to her carefully "And, yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me" Mal nodded "in her own way"

Evie grabs her hand "Moving on. Come see" She stands up from the bed "Are we done?" Mal asks "Yeah" Evie answered taking her to the mirror in their room, Mal stop when she saw herself, She laughs holding on to her leather jacket, Evie came behind her holding her shoulders and lay her on it "I know," Evie said smiling

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