Mal's gone

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Beatrice POV

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Beatrice POV

"I'm so dumb and stupid" I whined as sat down on the couch Ben had in his office, I looked at Ben and saw him working his butt off "What happened?" I heard Ben ask as he moves some papers out of the way "I was gonna ask a boy out for cotillion" I said truthfully catching Ben's attention as he looked up from the papers

"Finally getting courage to ask but I just knew, I knew, that he had other feeling for other girl but I just said to myself we all gonna die anyways so Ima go for it" I vented as I played with the hem of my shirt "But then I experienced him trying to ask another girl to cotillion. But he failed. She didn't catch on as she kept babbling and babbling and babbling and babbling and... you know" I held my hand out and Ben nodded understanding

"He caught me by the end but I ran off before he could say anything. I just wish I knew on why him? What's so special about him? And yeah whatever. I should just go with Theo" I rolled my eyes and laid back further on the couch "Do I know him?" Ben asked making me look at him blankly "Seriously?" I said to him keeping my face straight face "What?" Ben asks bewildered "That's the first question you wanna ask, Benjamin?" I stated making him look at me for using his first name "Yes" Ben said honestly "Now do I or do I not?" He repeated his question

"No you don't kno—Of course you know him! You know everyone!" I beckoned at him throwing my hand in the air, Ben just rolled his eyes at me and I did back leaning back again at the couch but immediately shot back up "Oh! How was your date with Mal?" I asked him, I saw the way his mood change "It went... okay" He said skeptically, I gave him a look and furrowed my eyebrows at him "Okay? Not spectacular or amazing or beautifully. Just okay?"

Ben nodded hesitantly "Okay Ben, tell me the truth" I said crossing my arms "What happened on the date?" Ben just sigh and put his pen down on his desk as laid back on his spinning chair "I kind of went off at her" At that statement I gave him a look making him give me a reason "I had a good reason on why did. She was trying to spell me!"

"Mal wouldn't do that" I stated "She's Mal. And if she did try to spell you then she probably had a good reason for it. She always has reasons on why she do things, Ben. Your her boyfriend you should know this! You know how much she's been in stress with all this lady in the court stuff!"

"I don't think she's my girlfriend anymore" He muttered but I still heard him well "What!?" I asked frantically "Okay so basically there's more to the story that your not telling me here" I crossed my arms and fixed my sitting posture "She just walked out on me that's all after our argument"

"That's definitely barbaric, Benjamin Floren Beast" Ben gave me another look "Why are you using such big words, Beatrice. You're not Hermione Granger" Ben stated "Leave me alone. At least I'm using big words here!" I said pointing my finger at my brother.

"Debra" Ben called to the phone "Yes, your majesty" Debra said back in the speaker "Can you ask Lumiere to call me regarding Cotillion?" Ben asked to his assistant "Yes, sir" "Thank you"

I turned my head towards the door that made a creak noice with a knock letting me know that the door opened "Ben. Bea" I heard Evie's voice called "Hey eves" I waved at her "Evie" Ben said getting up from his chair taking off his ear piece "Come on in" I noticed Evie's mood and got up worriedly as she close the door "Evie what's wrong?" I asked the blue haired girl "Mal's gone back to the isle" Evie replied making me gasp as Ben's smiled dropped "What? How do you know?" I asked looking down at her hands and noticed a letter

Evie breathes in as she walked towards Ben. She lets out her breathe and gave Ben the letter, Ben grabbed it cautiously and just looked at it not opening it yet "Ben..." Evie said lowly, she held out the ring Ben gave to Mal in coronation. Ben grabbed the Ring and rapidly opened the letter reading it

I quickly grabbed the letter out of his hands right when he was finished and read it over as Ben started to dole

"This is my fault" Ben blames pointing at himself as I crush the paper "This is my fault. I blew it"

"Yeah, Ben, you did blew it" I started as I place the crush paper on his desk "Comment oses-tu faire ça à Mal? Tu savais qu'elle était stressée et tu l'as rendue encore plus stressée en te disputant avec la pauvre fille! Comment as-tu pu faire ça, idiot!" I yelled at my brother and punched him in the chest. I let out a breathe as I fixed my hair messing it up while punching my brother

"She'd been under so much pressure lately and instead of being understanding, I just went all beast on her" Ben continued sorrowfully, slamming his hands on his desk. I just rolled my eyes at the boy and went to stand next to Evie "I have to go there and apologize" Ben realized and stood up "I have to go there and beg her to come back"

"Ben, you'll never find her" Evie stated "You need to know the isle and how it works, and-" Evie cut herself off as she sees Ben staring out the window, she went and slowly stood behind him "You have to take me with you" She said

"Yes" Ben responded quickly but fixed himself "Uh... are you sure?" He stammers "Yeah" Evie nodded looking at me then stared out the window "She's my best friend"

Evie sighs, "And we'll bring the boys too, because there is safety in number and none of us is really too popular over there right now" Evie turns and plays with her fingers "Thank you" Ben said stepping forward "But let's get two things straight" Evie began holding two fingers up, she looks out the windows again then back at Ben "You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again" she whispers looking at the both of us. Ben nodded, "I promise"

"And there's no way you're going looking like that" Evie shakes her head at the boy, Ben straighten his clothes after she said that "Great! I'm coming along" I stated clapping my hands "No-" Ben began but I cut him off by holding up a finger "No, no's im coming along yes or yes" I said seriously "You're crazy if you think I'm gonna let out go alone with people who aren't so popular over in the isle"

Evie chuckles as Ben just stares at me, I turn to Evie "Let's get this stuff started. I'll get the boys, yeah?" I nodded and Evie nodded back, I was about to walk away but halted "Oh and don't worry about making me clothes, I got my own" I told Evie, She just looks at me confused but still nodded. I sent her wink and started my journey to the boys dorm

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