Did I mention?

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I was sitting at the bench as I was waiting for the game to start again cause the players took a pause, Music started playing to fulfill the silence, I look at where the stairs of the bench is and saw Lonnie with the two Vk's girls, Lonnie saw me ...

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I was sitting at the bench as I was waiting for the game to start again cause the players took a pause, Music started playing to fulfill the silence, I look at where the stairs of the bench is and saw Lonnie with the two Vk's girls, Lonnie saw me and told the girls that probably they are going to sit next to me cause they nodded and started coming my way.

I smiled at them and moved a little for them to sit with more space "Hey, Bea" Lonnie waved "Hi" The cheerleaders and the audience was applauding and cheering at the same time "Ohayohay!" They all shouted as the announcer began to talk signaling that it's about to start

"This is a nail-biter, folks" The announcer said "There's 47 seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood falcons, two" He said as the other team Audience did a wave to the side "The fighting knights, two. What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals"


"As the team get into their huddles and take up positions along the kill zone-"

"Akiho!" I heard the coach yell over the cheering "a withering hail of fire"

I look down at the two kids being benched and saw Jay say something to the coach while bringing Carlos up with him, Carlos shakes his head and sat back down. The coach said something to Jay making Jay pick up Carlos on his feet again and told Jenkins something, The coach sighs and looks at the field "Amir!" He shouts, By the looks of it Jay probably have told the coach to put Carlos in field with him. I crossed my arms and started bitting my nails

I kept looking down at them and saw Coach Jenkins throws the stick to Carlos telling him something. Jay told Carlos something patting his back, Carlos told Jay something back making laugh and push him in following behind, Mal and Evie started smiling at them, Evie started jumping up and making me smile up at her

"He's bringing that hothead Jay from the isle of the lost and that little guy Carlos who can barely hold a shield" The announcer says making me roll my eyes at him "Break!" Our team scream, they all got in position the same thing as the other team "And the tip-off is ready" Someone blowed the whistle signifying the game has started again, the Ball shoot up the air and Jay and the other team player came running towards it "Here we go"

(I hate doing these Author notes but I'm still gonna say this, I'm just writing what the announcer says cause I'm not that good at describing what's happening in sports so yeah 🙂)

"Long pass goes to Jay. Jay dishes off to Prince Ben. Nice little block by Carlos"

Carlos started doing a celebration dance for himself making me laugh at him "He does a little dancing jig in the opponents face. And now Jay gets the ball back. Here comes Jay"

The person controlling the shooter started shooting at Jay as he ran through the kill zone "Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid field, Jay makes a nice pass to Ben thought the kill zone. Big block by Chad! Prince Ben moves over wide, gives it back to Jay. He's in the clear. Shot!" Jay hit the ball to the net but the other team goalkeeper hit it back to the field making me groan

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