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"Let's go!" Carlos said behind her "Revenge time!" Jay muttered loudly behind her as well "You really want to do this?" Ben asked her, I grabbed my dress and began making my way down the steps but Dad stopped me by grabbing my arm, I look at his h...

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"Let's go!" Carlos said behind her "Revenge time!" Jay muttered loudly behind her as well "You really want to do this?" Ben asked her, I grabbed my dress and began making my way down the steps but Dad stopped me by grabbing my arm, I look at his hand and rolled my eyes "We have no choice, Ben! Our parents-"

"Your parents made their choice" Ben stated, I finally removed my dads hand off my arm and walked down the stairs "So you should make yours" I said standing next to Ben, Mal stayed quiet as she looked around, first she looked at out parents, then to Fairy godmother "I think I want to be good" Mal finally said beginning to put the wand down "You are good" Ben told her, she stops putting the wand down "How do you know that?!" She yelled at him "Because.." he trailed off thinking of a reason "Because I'm listening to my heart"

Mal face softens as she looks down "I wanna to listen to my heart, too" She said "Then do it" I said softly, she looks up at me "And my hearts is telling me that we are not our parents" Mal said turning around to her friends, sadly chuckling "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy" She began to tell at Jay "Tourney and victory Pizza with the team makes you happy" Jay and Carlos looked at each other and smiled as someone of the tourney team yelled a 'yeah!' Making me let out a laugh, Mal turned her head to Carlos "And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought?" She let out a giggle as Carlos smiled

She then turned to Evie as tears formed into Evie eyes "and Evie, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy" Mal told her, Evie shakes her head "You are so smart" They both let out a sad chuckle, Mal let out a sigh "And I don't want to take over the world with Evil. It doesn't make me happy"

"I want to go to school" She states "And be with Ben" Ben raised his head at the sound of his name, Mal turns around and looked at Ben "Because Ben makes me really happy" Mal raised her hand with Ben ring, I smiled at the two as everyone in the crowd awed at her words, she turned back around to her friends "Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys" Mal said finally saying her decision and put her fist in the middle between all of them

I heard Fairy godmother gasp behind me as the other stared at her fist, Mal looks at her friends to see if they agree with her, Jay fist came first to Mal's "I choose good, too" He smiled putting his hand in the middle, Mal laughs and looked at Evie, Evie nodded and let out a chuckle "I choose good" She said putting her fist in the middle with the other two. The only left is Carlos, I turned my head to look at him

"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be?" Carlos said making the group laugh, "because they're gonna be really, really mad" He laughs as well "Your parents can't reach you here" I told him smiling, he looked at me and smiled "Okay, then" he says and put his fist in the middle "Good" Mal laughs and looks back at Ben and I, she nodded her head towards the group telling us to join them, Ben walked over in between of Mal and Evie and put his fist in the middle, I went over in between Carlos and Evie and out mine in as well

The crowd started clapping for us as Mal puts her hand on shoulders, some people scream as a loud sound that sounded like thunder strikes,  a green smoke appears and comes down in front of us showing Maleficent

The cathedral lights turns down, "I'm back!" She sings as she looks back at Fairy godmother "It can't be" I heard Mal whispers as Ben holds his grip on me as Mom hold on to him "Go away, mother" Mal said to her mother, Maleficent just laughs at her "She's funny" She snorts "Oh. I'm so–You're very funny here"

"Wand me. Chop-chop"

"No" Ben screams as Mal pointed the wand at her but then throws it to Fairy godmother, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-"

"Boo" Maleficent finishes holding her scepter up, everything stops.


3rd POV

Everything around the kids and Maleficent freezes "Sike" Maleficent says and snickers, letting out a snort "Excuse..."

She turns around to Beast and gasps "Oh" She exclaims, she took off his glasses and but into it "Oh. In another time, in another time" she said smiling at him and put his glasses back but all to the side on his head "Evil like me don't you wanna be mean..." she began singing muttering, she grabs the Fairy godmother wands from Fairy godmother hands "Oh. Oh, no" She exclaims as the kids just stood there and watched her doing whatever "Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs" Maleficent says putting the wand in Godmother's nostrils "Where shall we begin?" She asks ducking under FG arm "I know"

"Why don't we start by getting rid of this?" She said pointing the wand towards Mal, Mal's hand raises and Ben's ring flies off to the wand "Perfect fit!" Maleficent exclaim, Mal gasps as she looks down at where the ring was, Maleficent laughs "Oh. Excuse me. Pardon me" She says going under FG arms again "Excuse me. The horns, the horns!"

Maleficent chuckled as she made it to Ben "Oh. Falling in love is weak and ridiculous" She moves Ben head to the side and moved his crown sideways and moved his head back to the position it was, A tear falls down on Mals face "It's mot what you want"

"You don't know what I want!" Mal finally spoke up "Mom, have you even once asked me what I want? I'm not you!" She states "Obviously" Maleficent said "I've had years and years and years and years of practice being evil. You'll get there"

"No. I will not" Mal told her "And I really wish that you had never gotten there yourself. Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing" Tears fall down Mals face as Maleficent gave a her scowling face "I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your life!" Maleficent yelled at her pointing the wand at her daughter, Mals impressions turns into a angry one as she reached her hand out "And now I command, wand to my hand!" Mal casted, the wand flew to her hand, She started laughing in achievement "It worked!" She exclaims looking at the wand

Out of time || Carlos De vilWhere stories live. Discover now