Chillin' like a villain

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We walked in some crowded pass ways, honestly surprised no one noticed us yet and ratted us out for being in the isle, Carlos and Jay was leading all of us as Ben and I admired the crowded place with Evie behind "Hey!" I heard Evie yell behind me,...

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We walked in some crowded pass ways, honestly surprised no one noticed us yet and ratted us out for being in the isle, Carlos and Jay was leading all of us as Ben and I admired the crowded place with Evie behind "Hey!" I heard Evie yell behind me, I rapidly turned around and saw her trying to fight off some kids who were trying to steal from the blueberry girl

"Hey. Stop" She said getting a grip on the wrists of the two kids, she looks at the two and saw the looks on the face of the two "Just take it" she said solemnly to the kid, he smiled getting ahold of Evie's wallet. I felt Ben grab my head and dragged me with him ahead of the others "Ben we really shouldn't be separating from the others" I said getting off his grip "It's fine" He assured as we made it somewhere else. I look around as I respond "It really isn't"

I look at Ben as he approached to the stranger that was in the room, "Hey" He said holding his hand out by the guy just growled at my brother, I grab Ben's hand and glowed my eyes at him making scatter away in fear "Ben, stop. Just stop" Evie said getting Ben as Carlos grabbed my hand getting my attention. I look down at our hands and back to his face quickly separating our hands together "Why?" Ben ask

"This isn't a parade, it's the isle" Evie respond "Keep your hands in your pocket unless you're stealing" Jay told him "You either slouch or strut" Carlos added

"And never ever smile" Evie finishes, Ben and I nodded at their introductions "Okay, thank-" Ben started but got cut of by Evie as she held out her hand "No. no thank you and drop the please too. Just—chill"

"Let me tell you something you can really trust" Evie started to sing, she place her around on Ben shoulder "Everybody's got a wicked side" She went to the other side "I know you think that you can never be like us" She looks back at the other two then all three of them did a pose nodding their heads "Watch and learn so you can get it right"

Ben and I moved back as the others went in front of us starting to dance as they sang "You need to drag your feet" They did want they sang "You need to nod your head" The three nodded "You need to lean back" Ben and smiled and leaned back to the guy I scared off but I guess he came back "Slip through the crack. You need to not care" If I'm being honest, I was staring at Evie and Carlos the whole time watching their every move, no offense to Jay of course

"Uh, you need to not stare" Carlos said as he held my chin and went between Ben and I. This boy is giving me mix feelings, what the actual hell. I was stared straight ahead blink repeatedly just thinking at what Carlos just did. I then look at the side and saw Jay steal Ben's wallet as the other two put there hands together like they are praying "You need a whole lot of help"

"You need to no the yourself" Evie said pointing at Jay who was looking through Ben's wallet. Ben quickly grabbed his wallet back and stared at Jay. Carlos pointed at Carlos and laughed "You wannabe cool" Evie sang pushing Ben in chest as she moves back "Let me show you how"

"You need to break the rules" she steps up in front of Ben "And I can show you how" The two boys dance beside us two, Evie turns dramatically with a hair flip "Once you catch this feeling" She drags her hand down her bod

"Yeah, once you catch this feeling"

"You'll be chillin, chillin. Oh" Ben tried to copy the others making look at his embarrassed as Carlos slapped his chest to stop "Chillin' like a villain" the tree dances as we watched them "Chillin'"

"This is easy. Please" I stated waving them off, Ben licks his fingers and tried to dance with them. Failing. I danced with them, successfully obviously. It's easy i don't know how Ben can't do it and yet his king. Puh lease

"Chillin like a villain. Chillin', Chillin like a villain. Hey!" They three yelled catching our attention "Chillin like, Chillin like, Chillin like a villain" They began to walk away with us two behind them. An seller can opening his jacket seeing several stuff "Ooh" I said as I look at what stuff he had the same thing with Ben. I saw some white glasses at the bottom of the jacket and grabbed it. I nodded at the guy and put on the glasses. I saw Ben grab some glasses as well "You draw attention when you act like that" Evie sings as Jay and Her grab the two of us. Evie nodded the guy away

He did a spin walking away "Let us teach you hot to disappear" Everyone leaned back, Ben and I followed but the others quickly moves away to the some green fence beside us "You look like you would lose a fight to an alley Cat" They took a step forward, Carlos was behind me. I look behind and saw him staring right me, I quickly turned around and stared at Evie who was mostly singing

"You gotta be wrong to get it right around here" She throws a fake punch towards my brother, she told him to come over to her with her finger then mimics a growl at the boys

The three of them stood up and dances "You need to watch your back, you need to creep around, you need to slide real smooth" Ben tried to slide with the others making bump into me then making me kick a trash can by accident. The others jump down and put their fingers in their lips "Don't make a sound"

They went through the fence to get beside us "And if you want it take it" they demonstrated by grabbing the air "And if you can take it break it" Ben tried to do the same move Carlos did but he just fell to the wet floor "If you care about your Heath" Evie rolled her eyes as Carlos help the poor boy up

"Seriously, you need to not be yourself" Evie simply said and sat down on the fence and I followed alone beside Carlos

"You wanna be cool" the three spread their arms making Me and Ben lean back "Let me show you how" the three snapped their fingers "You need to break the rules" Carlos grabbed my arms making them cross with the others as Evie did the same with Ben "I can show you how" we then put our leg on top of the other nodding. Evie stood back up on her feet to the ground "Once you catch this feeling"

"Yeah, once you catch this feeling" Carlos and Jay stood up with her with us doing it along "You'll be chillin, chillin"

"Oh. Chillin like a villain" We all danced together "Chillin"

"Chillin like a villain, Chillin. Chillin like.."

"I really wanna be bad a lot" Ben started to sing "And I've giving it my best shot" Ben wrapped his arm around Evie and Carlos "But it's hard being what I'm not"

"Well if you don't you're gonna get us caught" Carlos told his slapping his chest as I wrap my arm around Jay and Evie, slowly stealing their belongings "He's right, we gotta stay lowkey, now show us how bad you can be" Evie said making me smirk "Like this?" Ben said putting on Evie's glasses


I took out Jays wallet showing it to him in his face "Like this?" I asked "Yeah, yeah"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Evie sings as Ben gives Carlos his phone "Oh, yeah. I think I got this" Ben did a tiny dance the others was about to walk but Ben stopped them "And I ain't gonna thank you for your help. I think I found the word in myself"

"You wanna be cool" Evie sang as we all wrapped our arms with each other and started walking "Let me show you how. You need to break the rules" We stop and did a movement with our feet "And I can show you how" We snapped out fingers "Once you catch this feeling. Yeah, once you catching feelings "You'll be Chillin, Chillin. Oh, Chillin like a villain. Chillin, Chillin like a villain" Wr all danced with each other "Chillin, Chillin like a villain. Chillin, Chillin like a villain. Chillin, Hey! Chillin like a villain" Ben walked ahead of us still dancing making me laugh at his stupidity

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