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Auradon has this Carnival that we do every year, Audrey always wins for the best cupcakes

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Auradon has this Carnival that we do every year, Audrey always wins for the best cupcakes. But I've heard that Evie wanted to try and compete over that name. Everyone that is assisting to the carnival has their one tents, This year surprisingly I'm assisting to it. I never assign to these type of stuff but I wanted to try something new

I assisted to do Face paint, while everyone was getting ready and do their things I was practicing on Ben's face, "Alright Ben what do you want?" I asked him showing a binder of things I can face paint on him "Surprise me" He stated closing the binder, I shrugged "Okay" I said, I wasn't gonna do an basic little kids painting you see in birthday parties I'm actually doing some realistic stuff I guess you can say

I grabbed the paint and brush and began drawing on Ben face, sadly this is gonna be a waste but I'm just practicing like I said before. I was gonna something basic, like a skeleton face or something.

After a few minutes later "And... done" I smiled put the brush down "Really?" Ben asked surprise "Yeah? Why are you so surprised?" I asked him confused and got up from chair to grab a mirror for him to see my art "That was quick" He said as I gave him the mirror "I guess I work pretty fast" I said shrugging and sat back down as Ben looked at himself in the mirror "Wow" He said "It's actually pretty good" He said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms and leaned back on my chair "Thank you, Bennyboo" I said sarcastically

Ben rolled his eyes, we all jumped at a sound of explosion, Ben got up from and chair and shrugged his shoulder, "It was one of Evie's cupcakes" He explains "Ah" I nodded my head and grabbed the wipes for Ben to clear his face "I guess she used chemistry stuff on her cupcakes" I chuckled as I handed them to Ben, he grabbed some and wiped his face off


Ben and I made our way to Mals tent and saw her spray painting "Hey, Mal. You busy?" Ben asked her as we walked walked in "She clearly is, Ben" I told him "Yeah. Im in the zone" Mal said still looking at her work while spray painting "Can you de-zone?" Ben said

"Not a word, but I will forgive you cause you're cute" Mal said "But not cute enough to make me lose my focus" I made a sound of disgust, "You guys are so cringe" I stated looking at the couple, Mal rolled her eyes at my statement and continued talking "Theres been a bit of an 'incident'" Mal said quoting the word "Incident"

"Oh yeah. Your digimage" Ben said looking at his phone "That's definitely not a word" Mal stated "Your digital image? 'Digimage'" Ben repeating thinking she will still understand

"You auradon people need to stop this thing. Putting the words together making no sense" I said twirling my finger "Exactly. Still not a word" Mal said finally turning around towards us, "This" Ben said giving her his phone, she grabbed it and saw the incident that happened when we heard the explosion

"Mal's a princess in waiting, alright.. a princess in waiting to meds up! Hashtag Princess-aster?" Mal read on Ben phone "That's trending by the way" Ben said crossing his arms "Okay, my people may be evil, but what you Auradon kids are doing," Mal gave Ben his phone make slightly pushing him "to the English language is cruel" I nodded, agreeing "I agree" I said putting my hand in my forehead "I hear Ben smashing his words together all the time it's annoying, I'm sorry for you" I placed my hand on Mal shoulder and pat it

"Not to worry. I will make it up to Audrey" Mal said going back to her painting "By posting this wicked portrait of her as her favorite heroine" I looked at the drawing and saw it was Audrey in her mother dress "Her mom?" I said confused "Maleficent's daughter painting sleeping beauty's daughter as sleeping beauty is supposed to help your digimage?" Ben stated more like a question "Do you remeber family day?" He asked her, Mal shudders in the memory "ugh, Family day. Okay, so what?" Mal said placing her hands on her waist "I should do some unsleeping beautying?"

"That's not a word" Ben told her "Hey, she's getting this Auradonian thing" I told my brother "Yeah. I'm learning how to be Auradonian"

"Come on, it's not like I gave her captain hooks coat" Mal said looking at her art "Beware, forswear, Captain hook's coat she will wear" Mal spelled as Captain Hook coat appeared on the painting, I let out a chuckle but covered my mouth as Ben gave me a look "Okay, funny, but stop" Ben stated to his girlfriend but she laughs and continues doing some spells to the painting "Beware, forswear, Cruellas stole might give a scare!" Cruella fur scarves popped out on the drawing "Mal, enough with the magic!"

Mal let out a laugh again, "Beware, forswear, sprout my mothers horn from audreys hair"

"Okay Mal you should stop before any-" I got cut off by a camera clicking "One sees" I finished and sigh as Ben's phone chimes, Ben pulls out his phone and a picture of Mals painting shows up with a caption

"Soz, looks like we have a answer about Mal... Maybe she's not so 'good' after all. Smh" I read out loud and looked at Mal "I.. have a digimage problem" Mal admites and sighs, now my phone chimes, I took my phone in my hands and look at the screen "It's Audrey, Shes wants me over" I said "I'll see you guys later" I waved them goodbye and walked towards Auradon prep in Audreys dorm, right at one knock the doors opened showing the girl who texted me "Great you're hear" She says pulling me in and pushed me in her bed where Jane was

Once she pushed me down and went to her closet I look at Jane "Hey Jane" I waved her, she waved back as Audrey began whining

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