Fruit bowls

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Mal puts her hand on her chest as she steps up "Hi, mom" She says, Maleficent gaps "Mal" Maleficent yells, they all tense up at her voice raising up

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Mal puts her hand on her chest as she steps up "Hi, mom" She says, Maleficent gaps "Mal" Maleficent yells, they all tense up at her voice raising up. I'm guessing Maleficent is the scariest one in the isle. She isn't that scary in my opinion, she isn't that evil anyways, she just, I guess, broken. I don't know.

"I m-m-miss you" Maleficent stammers "You children are never far from our thoughts" Jafar speaks up "I got it" Maleficent told him "How long must mommy wait to see you?" Maleficent fakes her voice "Um, there's a big coronation coming up. I think probably sometime..after..that" Mal told her

"When?" Her mom asks "Friday, 10:00 am" Mal emphasize the word Friday, I look down at my shows moving my feet waiting till this conversation is over "You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that magi-you, you little nugget that I love so much" I raised my head rapidly at the word Magic. I was she gonna say Magic wand? Are the kids really the one who tried to steal the wand?

Mal nervously chuckles "Yes, I completely understand, mother"

"C-Carlos! Is that a dog?" I heard Cruella yell from the screen, I lean forward a bit to see the screen and saw Cruella very close to the screen, Dude whimpers making me looking at Carlos. "Yes, yes, baby, I do understand" Cruella started talking to dude as she squeaks a toy "It would make the perfect size for earmuffs" She began laughing evilly making me look at Carlos worryingly. Is this the life they live in? Jesus, thank god we brought them here for they don't have to deal with that any more. And hopefully Ben brings more over her, better yet open the barrier at this point honestly

I got off my thoughts as Carlos steps up "He's the perfect size for a pet" He states making me smile at him. It's great for him to stand up at his mother especially when she acting like that. What do I expect she is Cruella de vil.

Cruella gasps at his words "This dog loved me and I love him! And FYI, you dog is stuffed!"

"Oh!" Cruella exclaims at his words "So, give it a rest!" Jay reached out for him to come back to the group as Jafar laughs "Oh! Burn!"

Cruella shakes her hands, "Oh! Why don't you go sell a toaster, you two-bit salesman!" Cruella argued "People who talks to stuffed animals shouldn't throw stones!" Jafar argued back, Maleficent rolled her as at two as the kids looked at each other "Well, people who sell toasters shouldn't use mixed metaphors!"

"Enough!" One of them yelled right when Jay turned off the computer "I-I'm so sorry" Fairy godmother apologize to the others "Thanks for the special treat" Jay says smiling "Of course" Godmother nodded, Mal turned around grabbing her bag as the others followed her, I looked at Fairy godmother, and gave her straight smile "That was something" I commented, looking back at the others and saw them talking there but then left "I feel so bad" Fairy godmother shakes her head "Well" I shrugged, I'm not good at comforting people "I'm guessing that's how they live in isle. At least Evil Queen cares for Evie"

My guess is Evil Queen only made Evie care for her looks, but from what I saw she still cares for her other than what I saw from Carlos and Cruella. Fairy godmother nodded at my statement, I gave her one last smile before leaving the class


Ben and I were hanging out in my room in the middle of the night, well our hangout was really me either reading a book or on the phone the same with Ben, I felt my belly grumble. I put my book down and sat up on my bed, "Where are you going?" I heard Ben asked, I looked behind me "I'm going to the kitchen to get a snack you want something?" I asked him as I put my slippers on and got up from my bed "No I'm good" He said going back to his phone "Alright" I said walking out the door

I look both ways to see if I see any security guards, the cost is clear, I rushed my way down the hall to the door to the kitchen, I looked behind me as I opened the door

The door slammed as I looked ahead and saw Mal wiping her face probably from crying "Mal? Are you alright?" I asked her as I walked up to the counter "Yeah" She said nodding but her voice cracked a little "You're voice cracked a little you're not fine" I state and walked next to her "Are you comfortable of me giving you a hug?" I asked her, She nodded. I walked closer to her and gave her a hug "What are you making?" I asked her separating from the hug, "Oh nothing big just a cupcake" She said mixing the batter "Well I'm not gonna dip from the reaction you and others had last time Lonnie did" I said smiling jokingly

I walked up to the refrigerator and opened it, I looked around for something to stop my hunger, I saw some fruits, I grab some and placed them on the table beside me. I went for a hunt for a bowl. Found one. I grabbed it and placed it where the fruits are, I looked behind me for Mal and saw her still mixing the batter

I turned on the faucet and wash my fruits and put them on the bowl, I'm making a fruit salad I guess you can say "Excuse me" I heard Mal whisper as she walks by, I moved a little for more space and she walked to the oven pre-heating it, after she did that she looks up at me "What are you making?" She asked curiously "Just a fruit salad. Want some?" I asked her "Sure" she said softly, I handed her the bowl as I wash more fruits, Mal puts the bowl down after grabbing a few fruits "Alright" I started as I put more fruits in the bowl "I'm gonna leave now. Are you gonna be okay?"

She nodded, I also gave a her a nod and a smile before leaving the kitchen

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