Chapter 7

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Each object in the mystery box triggered an unretained memory in Athena. It was hard for her to go through them unaware of her past – a past that seemed to hold a lot more than she could ever imagine. She even started speculating that she had some sort of memory loss like Alzheimer's or dementia. She came across a tiny glass vial with a cork stopper. It was filled with a blue liquid. Without opening it, she infused the liquid with Ultrafine Particle Repairing Nanobots engineered in Fayedom. Obviously, the perfume would have expired. She forced opened the bottle to inhale the scent of the liquid. The more she whiffed the perfume, the more she was bombarded with emotions. It was his smell. The synchronicity of recent events, the dream, and the vial was quite staggering. She hooked the miniature bottle onto the chain with the half heart pendant. As she wore it around her neck, she experienced a newfound confidence – confidence that she will see him again.

Two years later, the mystery box still stood on the wall shelf in her bedroom. A lot of things changed afterwards. She published her first book. Fayedom attained new heights. Ava left her to pursue her higher studies back home at Mars, which made Athena a bit lonely. However, she overcame the initial sorrow. In short, the transformation of Athena from a confused teenager to the woman she is today is quite admirable.

It was during that time Athena got acquainted with Zac, Ava's great-grandfather. They had never met in person. Zac was a genius – he invented a supercomputer called Zac-Wave onto which he uploaded himself and shed his mortal form. Athena had huge respect for this man. He was her mentor and father figure. He told her that the box was the portal to her past. Though the whole story of her past life was not disclosed to her, she had enough information to soothe her yearning soul. Not that he knew everything about it. The first time he told her that she was the reincarnation of a girl from the twenty first century, she had a hard time believing him. Over the course of time, Zac helped her deal with the visions she encountered from time to time. Sometimes, those visions would brighten up an entire day. At other times, it would ruin a whole week.

'The dream in the bottle', as she called it, was Athena's nepenthe. Whenever she felt low or depressed, she would breathe in the divine scent and immediately feel better. She was entirely unaware that one day she'd see him in the flesh and yet fail to recognize him.

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