Chapter 19

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The tsunami was predicted to occur at 10. They still had a couple of hours before the concert. They thought of exploring the place a bit. That was when an ear-piercing alarm went off. People started scattering everywhere in panic. The concert managers looked pale. So did Athena.

"That's impossible... the warning system had never once failed... I smell a rat.", said Athena, trembling.

"What's happening?", asked Raeburn.

"The tsunami... it's the next ten minutes... And the concert vessel hasn't arrived yet...We're gonna die.", said Athena.

"No, no! This can't be happening. There must be something we can do.", said Raeburn sounding brave.

It was ironic. The same guy who wanted to commit suicide was now trying to figure out a way to kick out the Grim Reaper.

"Someone must have tampered with the system. But who would do something like that?", said Athena, more to herself than to Raeburn.

And then they looked at each other as realization dawned on them. Inferno! Suddenly, Raeburn had an epiphany.

"I think I know how I got here!", said Raeburn.

"I don't think that matters anymore. It's all over.", said Athena breaking down in tears.

"No! No one's dying. Do you still believe in creative visualization?"

"There's no way you know that!"

"Alright. So, you still do. While I was playing that futuristic game on the cliff, I was transfixed by a thought – almost like I was hallucinating. But the truth is, I wasn't hallucinating. I was imagining a whole new world – this world. And the results? I actually got transited into it."

"Whoa! So, you are telling me if we could do it again, maybe travel back a few hours and do damage control, we could get out of this situation?"


"Then, what are we waiting for?  Let's do it."

"Give me your hands."

They stood there in the middle of the beach holding hands, eyes shut tight, visualizing a reversal to the situation they found themselves in. They channeled their inner energies. A strange green aura surrounded them. Athena glowed like a Goddess. Raeburn's energy was blinding. The people who watched were lost for words at that once-in-a-blue-moon spectacle. The reunion of two souls torn apart a thousand years ago. 

And when they opened their eyes, they were back in the library with Nyx. 

"The manifestation worked!", squealed Athena.

Raeburn and Athena were taken aback to find Nyx literally on flames. The green smoke dress was gone. In its place was a burning red flame. Inferno...

They did not have the time for confrontation. They sprinted to the beach and warned the officials. The system was fixed. Things were brought under control and they heaved a sigh of relief. They were too exhausted for anything. They slept like babies in their respective sleeping bags and once again woke up to the ethereal sunrise. Even when the city just had a narrow brush with death, the sky remained glorious. That sunrise was what kept Raeburn's hopes up – if the sky remained bright and hopeful, then so could he. Maybe, he should have watched more sunrises lest he had suicidal thoughts.

High on happiness, he almost blurted out the truth to Athena – the truth that she was his best friend in her previous life and about how heartbroken he was when she died. But he stopped himself for it sounded crazy even to him. Turns out, if two people are meant to be together, then not even the angel of death could separate them. 

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