Chapter 22

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The first time he met Sahara, Raeburn thought she was way beyond his league. He assumed she was going to turn out like every other person who has been in his life and eventually leave him. When she started getting comfortable around him, he thought it wasn't going to last long. When she finds out who he really is, she would go away. Well, that's what he thought. She never did.

Secretly, they met every single day. With each library rendezvous, her liking for him grew. She was a depressed, broken soul when she met him. He barged into her life like a breath of fresh air. From an emotionless creature, Sahara turned into a sentimental fool. She opened up to him. For the first time, she let someone see her for who she really was, including her insecurities and flaws. The tough and bold Sahara Amulet revealed her most vulnerable self before Raeburn Ryder. 

He was the center of her universe. Everything she did revolved around him. She was happy in his presence. She thought she would never know what real happiness was. But he changed her outlook on life.

Raeburn's life wasn't that perfect either. He was literally at his lowest at that point. He lost everything he had been working hard for all his life. His dream was shattered. He was shattered. Still, he tried his best to make Sahara happy, which he did. Initially, she was scared of him – scared that she would fall head over heels for him. She knew they would make a great couple, but the world would not accept them. To deal with her fear, she bro-zoned him, which worked for a couple of months until one day she confessed. As time passed, the two of them got closer and closer. Her fears revealed what she cared about the most. She was even willing to encounter her biggest fear if that meant she'd have him.

Their bond was not only peaches and cream. It was roses and thorns. Sahara knew he was a once-in-a-lifetime person. He stood up to her in ways no one else ever had. He adored her yet challenged her to her fullest potential. Her soul knew it was true love. No matter what everyone else tried to tell her, her heart knew that it resonated. And she blindly trusted those instincts.

For Raeburn, she was top priority. He would keep aside everything else just to spend time with her. Despite his aching leg, he would run to be on time for their lunch-break meetings. Some days, he would even skip lunch. The old librarian's suspicious stares were annoying. But it was the only place they could meet without their classmates' prying eyes.

The feeling was new. So was the experience. Only, it didn't last long. 

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