Chapter 26

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Finally, after five hours Raeburn arrived. He smiled the kind of smile that gives away nothing yet gives away something. Zac was visibly annoyed but kept mum. Fatigued by the physical exertion, he withdrew mutely.

"Hey there! I've been waiting to meet you.", exclaimed Raeburn.

Zac turned away rudely. Raeburn signaled Caspian to leave them alone. He got rid of the laser beam and left abruptly.

"Where is she?", asked Zac giving him a cold-blooded stare.

"I wanted to talk to you about that. She has disappeared." , said Raeburn.

"And you expect me to believe that?", said Zac scornfully.

"She left a note before leaving. Only you can decipher it. Only you can help me find her. I badly need your help. Please ..." , said Raeburn almost pleading.

At this point Zac's heart melted. But he did not trust him yet. Raeburn showed him the note Athena left. On it was a triangle. The vertices of the triangle stated Miami; San Juan, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. Below it was written – 'Hi, Ava is trapped. I gotta go find her. Do not try to find me. You should take over Fayedom. If I don't return in ten days, Zac will figure it out. Bye. Xoxo.'

Zac took one glimpse at the note and he knew. The Devil's Triangle. That's where she was headed. Or that is where she is. Ava ... She was his great-great-granddaughter. He had never seen her in person. But they had talked a couple of times via Fayegram.

Raeburn pretended to be brave. But deep down, he was scared – scared that he will never see her again. Destiny brought him back to her a second time. He blamed himself for letting her go again.

"The Bermuda Triangle. Heard of it, young man?", asked Zac to Raeburn.

It was rather hilarious how Zac still spoke from an old man perspective. Even though he was having a hard time, that made Raeburn laugh.

"Well, I've heard mysterious stories about the place. Wonder if they are true.", said Raeburn hoping that wasn't where Athena went for, he knew not a soul has returned from the Bermuda Triangle.

"That's where your girl is.", said Zac not making eye contact.

Raeburn's heart sunk. She said she would return in ten days. It was eight days already since she left. No matter what, he had to find her. But Zac did not seem too optimistic about it. 

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