Chapter 27

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Athena was plugged into Nirvana – a machine that unraveled the pathway to extreme bliss. The feeling was too good that it was lethal. If she unplugged herself from the machine, she would die in five seconds for the body cannot handle a swing from happiness at that extreme a level to neutrality. The only way she could escape was if she could artificially create a tremendously depressing situation so that her emotions would be neutralized and then she could unplug. But how in the world was she going to do that in a place where she knew absolutely no one except Ava, who did not remember her own name? Five days at most. If she could not get rid of Nirvana within that time span, she knew she would kick the bucket.

She found Ava sleeping in a slum. Ava was no longer the person Athena knew. The way she behaved was completely different. The elegant lady she was existed no more. It hurt Athena to see her best friend in that pathetic state. She was a crazy woman.

The Bermuda Triangle was unquestionably overrated. This wasn't what she expected when she decided to plunge into the mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean. It was just another universe. The only distinction from the one she belonged to was, this universe was hidden beneath the ocean floor. No wait, there was one more. Distinctly she remembered the old lady at the entrance of the underwater universe tell her something – was it something to do with age? Yes ... that's what she told her. The inhabitants of this universe did not grow old. They would be the same age they were when they first stepped foot on the land of Tengoku – well that was what they called their world. It was a Japanese word meaning 'heaven'. The first person ever to discover Tengoku was a Japanese sailor on a lifeboat who survived a shipwreck. He named the universe 'Tengoku'.


She heard a high-pitched voice yelling. More surprises? Ever since Raeburn barged into her life, Athena's life was full of surprises. Anyways, this was not Raeburn's voice. It was a woman. She turned around to see a bald woman.

"Camila?", asked Athena raising a brow.

"Oh my god! I thought you died. But how? I missed you so much.", said the bald woman hugging Athena tightly.

"Sahara died... And then got reincarnated a thousand years in the future. When I met Raeburn, he told me about my past. My name is Athena.", said Athena.

"Whoa! That's epic. You met Raeburn? How is that possible? All of us thought he committed suicide or something. Is it like time travel of sorts? Where is he? I always knew you guys were meant for each other. I am so happy fate brought you two together again.", said a hyped Camila.

"How did you get here?"

"Long story short – I decided to travel the world. And Tengoku decided to gobble me up. I was terrified in the beginning. But I have made a life for myself out here. As you can see, I am doing alright now. Can't complain."

"Good to know."

"Wait. Isn't that Nirvana you're carrying around?"

"Yeah... I don't have the foggiest idea as to how to dump this thing. I fell for a trap. A man with a white beard offered to help me go back to my world and plugged me in. I'm so high that I'd be scared of happiness if by chance I manage to chuck it.", said Athena hoping Camila would have a solution.

"That must be White Beard. He is a wanted criminal and a maniac. The police managed to catch him a week ago and was sentenced  to death. But, he is on the loose. Here, in Tengoku, Nirvana is the means as it is the least painful.", said Camila.

Athena was expecting more than just an account of the person who put her in this dreadful situation.

"The only way out is to trick someone else the way he tricked you. If you get someone to willingly let you plug them in while you unplug yourself, then you will not die due to the sudden change in emotions.", said Camila.

"I can't do that. I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I'm going through. Let's try the forced misery to counterbalance the bliss.", said Athena.

"That's a lie. Whoever told you that must be out of their minds. It's literally impossible for a human being to go into a level of sadness that can combat Nirvana."

"Then I guess I'm screwed. At least I will die of happiness.", joked Athena.

"Oh, and by the way, I forgot to introduce Ava. This is my best friend. She got trapped here and I came to find her. I found her in a slum. I don't know what happened. This isn't how she was.", said Athena looking at a shabbily dressed Ava, picking her nose.

"It's the Hatter virus.", said Camila.

"As in the Mad Hatter?"

"Yes. Did she have that tattoo before?"

That was when Athena noticed the tiny werewolf tattoo on her arm.

"Dang it! She must have gotten it done from that tattoo parlor in the slum.", said Athena.

"Don't worry. It's curable. I will get the meds and necessary stuff. Let's take her home.", said Camila.

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