Chapter 18

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Raeburn and Athena were back at the beach. By then, the sun had dipped beneath the horizon and darkness enveloped the place. They were reduced to mere shadows in the sundown. Gradually, the place saturated with people – most of them setting up stalls.

"What's going on here?", asked Raeburn.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. Tomorrow is a big day. The Tsunami Festival."

Raeburn raised his bushy brows, which Athena thought was on fleek, failing to understand, to which she started elucidating enthusiastically.

"This festival happens whenever the tsunami warning system detects a tsunami. People dress up in costumes like Aquaman and the Little Mermaid. Stalls are set up. And the icing on the cake is the Aqua Concert a.k.a the Aqua Ride – it is a titanic vessel that will give us a ride through the tsunami while a music concert is held. You are going to love it."

Raeburn stood there agape in awe. Back in the twenty first century, it was unimaginable – detecting a tsunami days before it actually happens, let alone turn it into a happy occasion.

"What about the buildings and the people who don't get in the ride?", asked Raeburn.

"By midnight, everything above the ground except the stalls on the beach, will go underground. Those who want to stay home can stay home safely. And once the festival is over, things will be restored to normalcy. Now, let's go buy tickets for the concert.", said Athena hyped.

"Alright. And by the way, what are you dressing up as?", asked Raeburn.

"Remember the 1990s movie Titanic? We'll go as Jack and Rose. What say?"

Raeburn smiled. She is still the same, even after a rebirth. It used to be her favorite movie. After walking the entire length of the beach, window shopping, they came across the perfect outfits. They bought the tickets and the costumes and collapsed onto the sand.

"I'm famished. Let's eat something.", said Athena.

They went to the nearest sweetmeat stall and tried almost every item in there. The duo was feeling satiated after eating like famine victims. Fun fact: Famines were a thing of the past for the people of 3021, read about only in history textbooks. As they lay under the stars, Raeburn and Athena felt at peace. Little did they know that it was the calm before the storm. They stayed up all night chatting incessantly and watched a breathtaking sunrise that filled the sky with shades of amber and pink, reflecting off the tranquil sea. It was a brand-new day with the promise of adventure.

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