Chapter 16

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 Suddenly, Raeburn felt a throb in his head. Flashes of memory hit – the sea, the sun, the sand, the cliff. Yes! It was this exact place where he decided to commit suicide and put an end to his desperate existence. Images started streaming and his past life came flooding all at once.

"Are you alright?", asked Athena.

"Yes... Believe it or not, I know you.", said Raeburn with a mix of amusement and pain on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"You are her."


"My best friend forever."

"Oh c'mon. I'd love to be. But I already have one. And she ditched me. Ahh that's a long story."

"Guess what! We already are."

"Aha!", exclaimed Athena totally clueless.

"Come with me.", said Raeburn pulling Athena by the arm and dashed across the street.

Puffing and panting, they stood outside the library. Raeburn guided Athena through the place, trying to trigger her memory. But in vain.

"Why did we come here?", she asked.

"Don't you like it here? I know the books they have here do not appeal to you. But the ambience ... Isn't that what you love about this place?"

"How do you know that? I've never told anyone before."

It was a lot different from back then – the whole place got renovated. Back then, it was dark and mysterious. But now it was a white expanse. Perhaps, that is why she could not recollect. Or maybe, one cannot remember their past lives when they got reincarnated. Will she believe him if he told her? Or will she think he is out of his mind? He should probably keep it to himself and focus on the task at hand – save the world from the evil clutches of Inferno. He had promised Athena that he would help her. And he was a man of his word.

Shattering Inferno's plans to conquer the world was her main purpose in life. Thrice, she managed to do it with Ava's assistance from Mars. But she still had no idea who Inferno was. Nor did she know why Inferno kept challenging her even after she ruined his plans thrice. This time, she had a partner who was equally determined. Raeburn was hell bent on tearing off Inferno's mask.

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