Chapter 8

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Lying supine in a rope hammock, with a book on her face, Athena was at peace. The seaside air did her good. It was Zac who suggested her to take a vacation from her busy schedule. And the only place she wanted to go was her safe haven, The Elysian Fields – that's what she calls her private island in the Caribbean. She turned off all her devices to keep away work related matters and relished every second by herself.

"Ma'am, sorry to disturb your afternoon siesta. There's a message for you."

Her nap was interrupted by a concierge. Now, that was odd. Zac was the only person who knew where she was. If he tried to get in touch with her, it meant something was up. The concierge left her with a note.


She was right. It was from Zac. When she turned on her phone, it flooded with notifications.

"It's all over the news. A time traveler. This sounds authentic. This would be ground-breaking. Fayedom should get him before Nyxendelle does.", said Zac when Athena rang him up.

Athena couldn't believe her luck. Top scientists and researchers in Fayedom came up with a multitude of theories for time travel, most of which seemed feasible. And an actual time traveler is the last thing she thought they could have at the moment. Without further ado, she caught the next flight back to India. By the time she got back, Zac had completed all the legal proceedings. The time traveler belonged to Fayedom.

"Raeburn Ryder. That's what he said his name is.", said a man in a blue suit.

Caspian was Athena's biggest asset. In her absence, he handled everything related to the time traveler as per Zac's instructions. He was a robot built by a team of brainiacs at Fayedom. Nobody could tell him apart from a human. It was an inside secret.

"I'd like to meet him.", said Athena.

"As of now, he's under observation in the Triple F. You could Fayegram him if you're insistent."

The Triple F was a vital section of Fayedom. That was where all the crucial test subjects were taken for observation. Raeburn, though not a test subject, was indeed crucial to the future of Fayedom. The section was originally called Faye's Facility for the Fragile. Over time, it came to be known as Triple F.

"Seriously? Isn't he from the ancient times? Will he even know how to control his mind the way we do? How in the big wide world is he going to learn to use Fayegram?"

Athena was apprehensive about Raeburn.

"Fact is, he already has. How do you think he spoke to Zac and the rest of us outside of Triple F?"

"Now that's impressive.", said Athena. 

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