Chapter 10

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"The people in your life should be a source of strength, not weakness. He is your weakness, not strength.", said Aedan.

Aedan was handsome from the depth of his eyes which revealed his broken soul to the wildness of his heart that matched Sahara's. Deep down in the core of her being, she knew he was right. She was obsessed with the idea of a happily ever after, while Raeburn was weighing the pros and cons. As Sahara looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears, Aedan sat down beside her on the floor cross-legged. He said nothing more. Nor did Sahara. She no longer wanted to listen to long lectures of how terribly Raeburn was treating her – she had enough of them from Camila. All she wanted was someone to just sit with her, fully aware of her pain, yet not talk a word about it and she got that exact kind of comfort from Aedan. Suddenly, Aedan looked at his watch and hurried out the door. A few minutes later, he came back with a grin and a bunch of keys.

"Come. I'll take you somewhere."

Sahara looked confused. Her hair was a tangled mess. Her eyes were red and swollen from all the weeping. She was wearing a completely mismatched outfit. Yet, she followed him instinctively. The elevator was out of service and they had to take the stairs. Aedan was running up the stairs as if he were late for the Earth Summit. After climbing several flights of stairs, they finally reached the rooftop. A key from the bunch opened the door to the loveliest sunset she had ever seen. For a while, she forgot all about Raeburn and how he was stressing her out. Aedan introduced her to the forced perspective technique and the photographer in her found it food for her soul. As she caught the setting sun in between her thumb and forefinger, Aedan shot the perfect picture for the gram.

Sahara was conflicted about her friendship with Aedan. She didn't want to hurt him. She knew how much unrequited love hurts. Only once did Aedan tell her about his feelings. To not lead him on, she spilled her secret and told him all about her love for Raeburn – he wasn't exactly her boyfriend but was definitely a lot more than just a best friend. Ever since, Aedan hasn't spoken a word about it. Sahara found solace in assuming that he must have moved on.

It has been several months since she detached herself from Raeburn. She knew that she had to detach herself from anything that was detaching itself from her. The longer she tried to resist, the more excruciating it would become. If she really was that important to him like he used to tell her, he would come back for her. If she wasn't, she will learn to live with it. 

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