Chapter 25

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Three days later, Zac woke up with a gasp, but lay still. He took a minute to steady his breathing before he became aware of what was happening. He put his right foot on the floor and tried to get up when he noticed the presence of another person in the room.

"Hello Zac, I'm Caspian. How are you doing? Let me know if you need anything. Please, lie down.", said the black guy in a tuxedo.

Caspian's presence in the room was bothersome for Zac. He was an introvert by default and was allergic to people. It's ironic since Caspian was not a real human being – just a Fayebot with no feelings and emotions. But he looked eerily human. When he told Caspian, he didn't need him anymore, he refused to leave. Caspian assumed he would try to escape. What a nuisance! He sat on the bed indignantly. That was when Zac saw his reflection in the mirror opposite the bed. It was not the Zac he knew. The wrinkles on his face were gone. The hunched shoulders were gone. The gray hair was gone. He, no longer, felt pain in his knees. He was a young and handsome man again. His new look comprised of tousled dark brown hair, sharp features, and a well-built body.

"I am going out.", declared Zac.

"I am afraid you can't. You will have to stay in here for the next twenty-four hours. It is Raeburn's order.", said Caspian politely.

"Who the hell is Raeburn? Bring Athena.", demanded Zac.

"I'm sorry but Athena isn't here. Now, Raeburn Ryder runs Fayedom."

"What do you mean by that? Where is she?"

"I don't know."

"For heaven's sake, just tell me what's going on."

"Athena has gone missing. Nobody knows where she is.", stated Caspian mechanically.

"Ha! It's obvious. It must be that Ryder guy who kidnapped her to take over her empire. I'm not letting this happen.", said Zac trying to leave.

"You can't leave the room.", said Caspian calmly and generated a laser beam boundary with a stare, "If you try to cross the boundary, you will be electrocuted."

"No fricking way! I'm getting outta this place right now. Do ya hear me? RIGHT NOW!!! 'cause there ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do!", screamed Zac.

With that Zac began banging on the metallic window, violently, like a lunatic. He kept pounding until his body could not take it anymore.

"Hey you, stupid bot, I'll make you pay for it. How dare you keep me locked up? You know what? I'm gonna sue you once I get outta this horrid place."

"Zac, will you please stop creating a ruckus? There is not much that I can do. You are kept here as per Raeburn's instructions. Besides, you are the one who will go to prison for returning from the dead. Raeburn is only trying to protect you."

"I wasn't dead!"


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