Chapter 9

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Burnt sienna looked gorgeous on her. It complemented her exotic complexion and raven hair. Raeburn noticed every detail of her outfit. In fact, he started observing things carefully ever since he got transited into the future. Everything amused him. He knew her name was Athena and that the facility belonged to her. He was yet to see the rest of Fayedom. It was the first time he was talking to a girl after the miraculous time-travel. Though not in person, he felt a deep connection with her.

He was still learning to communicate on Fayegram. The microchip they embedded into his brain enabled him to see her in his mind and read her thoughts. He had to be cautious not to think anything offensive lest she read it. It must be easy for her and the others since they have evolved into a way more advanced species than him. Plus, this communication channel must be a part and parcel of their lives.

In spite of the pressure of controlling his thoughts, he had a fun conversation with Athena and was looking forward to the next one.

"I like him. He's nice and sweet and gentlemanly.", said Athena to Ava, that night, on Fayegram.

Ava had started talking to her again. After a couple of years break, one fine day Ava rang her up. And then they talked like it was yesterday they last spoke to each other. After a few more conversations with Raeburn, Athena was eager to meet him in real life. They hit off really well. He would make a great friend. As of then, she didn't have many friends apart from Ava, who was 22 light-minutes away from her.

Raeburn and Athena did not have the faintest memory of each other. They did not even consider that they might have a connection. Well, I've got to say that's a fundamental flaw in human beings – when you get what you've always wanted, you're so thrilled that you hardly even remember that you wanted it so bad in the first place.

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