Chapter 12

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Sahara could never have imagined life without Raeburn. But one never knows unless one tries. She realized that as hard as it was for her, it wasn't impossible. She had Aedan to distract her from feeling what she was feeling. Then again, dismissing her feelings was like a painkiller. When the effect of the drug wears off, the pain is even more unbearable than before. But she knew it was over between them when he, who was her painkiller turned into the pain inflictor.

Aedan's charm is unmatched. He slips it on like a lady slips on a necklace that gives her outfit quiet elegance. Initially, Sahara found herself captivated by his sweet talk. He had caught her off guard masterfully. But she was quick to figure him out. She knew he was the same to everyone else too. She knew he did not mean half of the things he said. Or maybe he did. But, not as intense as she took it. On the contrary, she liked him.

"Do you trust me?", asked Aedan.

Sahara did not want to ruin what they had by answering silly questions.

"Do – you – trust – me?"

Aedan wasn't willing to give up. Sahara hesitated. She knew if she told him the truth, he'd be disappointed. She didn't want to lie to him either. Raeburn had always told her that it is better to hurt people with the truth than to comfort them with lies. Sahara did not exactly distrust Aedan. She didn't trust him completely either. All she knew was, knowingly or unknowingly, he eased her pain. Aedan wasn't the problem. Sahara was. She had had enough of the mind games that she found herself incapable of trusting anyone ever again.


"What's cooking, good looking?"

Camila barged into Sahara's bedroom to find her smiling at her phone like an idiot. The last time she had seen her so happy was a long time ago – back when Raeburn was treating her right. Camila noticed a bunch of roses lying on her bed. Suffice it to say, one can never go wrong with yellow, and the sender of those flowers seemed to know that. There was a note on it that said –

"You're old, lady. Happy 25!

Love, Mikaayel."

"I like this person ... Why don't I know him yet? Girl, what's going on?", Camila pressed for the details.

"It's Aedan, dumbass!", said Sahara chuckling.

"Wait, but it says Mikaayel."

"Aedan Jo Mikaayel. That's his name."

"Whoa ... I didn't know you guys were on the level of giving and receiving flowers ... ooooohhh."

"Girl, don't do that ... We're just friends.", said Sahara blushing.

"That's what they all say.", Camila grinned.

"The roses are yellow. Yellow is for friendship. Besides, we're just fooling around. It's nothing serious."

"Dear, I know you're still not over Raeburn. That doesn't mean you should pretend something as real as this isn't real."

"I don't want him to be my rebound.", said Sahara, not making eye contact. 

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