Chapter 14

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Now, you might think the Circle of Score Settling ended right after school. Wrong. Do you believe in coincidence? Because that's exactly what happened. The two  of them got into the same university. They failed to realize that they were unknowingly setting into motion a series of events that were unstoppable. Thankfully, they never indulged in a fight, neither physical nor verbal and never grabbed people's attention. Truth be told, the girls were certainly expertized in the field of rat race. Mutely, they waged war against each other. At some point of time, they must have figured out that their craving for success, which was almost like an addiction, was, for the most part, to overpower the other (not precisely in Athena's case). For Athena, it was only a teeny-weeny piece of her pie of reasons.

Since Athena was a little girl, she was determined to win. She set a target. She meets it. Then again, nobody goes undefeated all the time. She had her share of ups and downs too. The crushing blow that shattered her came in Grade Seven. We'll talk about that some other time. Here's the thing. The Athena before 'the incident' and the Athena after 'the incident' are polar opposites. The before version was an outgoing, lovable, and popular girl. The after version, however, is an asocial, self-centered, depressed and bitter person. The only aspect of her that remained unblemished was her ambition. In fact, it intensified after the incident. It almost got to the point where nothing else mattered but her achievements.

She was constantly pressured to live up to her own expectations. In spite of her accomplishments, her life went in a cycle of disappointment. She set an unrealistic goal. She reaches pretty close, but not quite there. She gets disheartened. She regains her composure. She sets another unrealistic goal and it never ends. And the feeling of being stuck in a tornado of overwhelmingness and dissatisfaction goes on. Maybe 'unrealistic' isn't the right word. She set 'dumb' goals – goals that were 'dangerously unattainable and monstrously big'.

Not once in her wildest dreams did Athena presume that one day, she would finally meet the missing piece of her heart in the form of a human. Ever since she could remember, she had always had this unfilled void in her. In the course of time, she became accustomed to that tiny vacant space although its depth baffles even her. The truth is she forgot about the existence of the chasm in her soul until she stumbled upon that which would complete her puzzle. It's funny how that person, in sharp contrast to reality, thought he was being a 'black hole' in her life. When she finally came across her missing puzzle piece, it repelled. But she had the universe coursing through her veins to help her make it fit in perfectly.

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