Chapter 24

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Three days, twelve hours, and forty minutes left. Raeburn wasn't yet at the point of anxiety where one starts counting the seconds as well. His part was done. Not just done, done beyond perfection. They say perfection is unattainable. But he was pretty close. Now, all he had to do was to wait for the moment to arrive. Raeburn had taken over a very important job and he could not afford to mess it up. In Athena's absence, he was entrusted Fayedom.

Zac Reign, the oldest scientist on Planet Earth was returning to his mortal form. At four hundred years, he was still making waves. No one knew that it was going to be a tsunami. Ever since he uploaded himself onto a supercomputer called Zac-Wave, which he invented, he hadn't seen the outside world, except in pictures and videos. He essentially became immortal and got rid of his body. He had nothing to lose even if he died in the process for, he was a cancer patient. In those days, cancer was a deadly disease.

Within a couple of hundred years, it became legal and was made available to the general public. A law was enforced later, when science was too developed that the population burgeoned alarmingly that even other planets and moons could no longer bear it, that people over a fifty should upload themselves onto Zac-Wave. All these people needed were a power source for they required no resources like food, water, or oxygen. Writers, scientists, researchers and all those people whose jobs involved only their brains could continue doing what they love. The ones who were unhappy were dancers, actors and models 'cause what more could they do without their mortal forms. Conspiracy theories stated that Zac was working on something that would let him return to mortal form. But nobody really anticipated an actual 'Zac Returns'. But here he was, back in his mortal form after three hundred and fifty long years. Raeburn was waiting for him to wake up. It was groundbreaking. The world had no idea about what was going on in Fayedom.

Raeburn was conflicted about being involved in Zac's illegal return. But Athena had reassured him that it was for a good cause. Besides, now that Athena disappeared, Zac was his only ray of hope to bring her back. Raeburn's thoughts were scattered. There was too much on his plate at the moment. RaeStation was at the peak of success and required his constant attention to details. One mistake could bring down the gaming company he had worked so hard to build. He had no idea how he was going to handle all of it.

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