🤎 Eric Nam- Solo 🤎

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This is my own original idea

Eric Nam and I have been married for 6 years. We have a 4 year old son called Grayson. He means the world to us and we are so lucky and blessed to be his parents. We have been trying for another baby for quite sometime. For the last couple of years now. I had a miscarriage before I was pregnant with Grayson. Recently I took a test and it came back positive. So I'm pregnant with our second child. Eric and I are both overjoyed to be having another baby. We haven't told anyone yet as I am only 8 weeks so it's a little too early to be telling the world. I didn't want to tell Eric this but in the last few days I haven't been feeling well. I've been getting awful stomach cramps like never before and feeling sick all the time. I don't know what's going on. I kinda refuse to believe I might be loosing the baby. I felt a little like this with my first miscarriage. I don't know how it's just bad sickness. Eric is at the studio and I'm at home as it's my day off. Grayson is at nursery where he goes when I'm at work. He likes it at nursery. He has friends and like running around and playing. Anyway I am sat on the couch reading a magazine when a start to feel really bad. I try to sit up and clench my stomach. I start to screaming out in pain. I take myself off to the bathroom and I'm bleeding a lot. I couldn't help but think I'm loosing the baby right now. I grab my phone from my pocket and call Eric. "Eric, Eric. Please come quick. I'm bleeding. I'm loosing the baby. I really am" I say. "Oh no, honey. I'm coming right away" he said. "Eric, I can't believe this is happening. We can't be loosing our precious baby" I say. Eric comes home as quick as he could. I can see more blood. This is real. I'm loosing the baby. He arrives home 20 minutes later after running every red light. "I'm home, honey" he said. The bathroom floor was covered in blood and Eric was shocked when he walked in. He didn't know what to say. "I've lost it. I'm sorry, jagi" I say. "Jagiya, you don't have to apologise. These things happen. Now let's get you cleaned up and I'll take you to the hospital" Eric said. He cleans me up and calms me down before taking me to the hospital. Awwww I have the best husband in the world. I love you so much. Eric took me to the hospital to confirm that I have lost the baby. I cried. We both cried. We just could not believe it. Eric said he will try again though

It's a few days after I had a miscarriage and I've not been coping well from it at all. I've been really down and low and not been going to work. I got a sick note from my doctor explaining the situation and I'm not in a fit state to work. Eric has been looking after me and being an amazing husband. It's not been easy for him as Grayson is too young to understand what's going on. He keeps on asking 'What's wrong with mommy?'. Eric doesn't know what to tell him obviously. He's way too young to understand. Grayson is such a sweet little boy. He keeps on bringing me things from the kitchen and his cuddly toys to make me feel better. Awwww he's so adorable, thoughtful, kind and caring. He gets that from his daddy. I am in bed having a rest. Eric and Grayson keep coming in to check on me. The door opens and they walk in. "Mommy" Grayson says. "Hey, sweetie" I say. He comes in with a stuffed elephant of his. He gives it to me and I cuddle it. Grayson sits next to me and puts his arms around me. "I'll make you better, mommy" he says. "Thank you, my sweet boy" I reply. Eric sits next to me too and cuddles me. I already feel better with both my boys next to me. Eric smiles and kisses me, whispering to me "Don't worry we would try again and have a baby soon. I promise, sweetheart". I look at him and smile. He hasn't seen me smile in days. He always reassures me that everything is going to be okay and we will try again for another baby and hope it happens soon. Let's hope I don't loose it this time. Eric and Grayson stay with me for a while. I appreciate my boys being with me so much. So grateful for them

Eric and I have been trying to get pregnant again for the last 3 months. I didn't feel like trying since I had the miscarriage. I really did almost give up till he encouraged us to start trying again. Well I took a pregnancy test last night and it came back positive. I've always taken three. Two cheaper brands and a clear blue test just to make sure it's accurate. All three were positive so I'm pregnant again. Hopefully I won't loose this baby this time. Eric and I will be both so upset and heartbroken if it happens again. I am going to tell him tonight when Grayson is in bed that I'm pregnant. Can't wait to tell him the news. We are having dinner as a family now. Grayson is enjoying his chicken nuggets and me and Eric are enjoying something we cooked. Grayson eats differently to us but that's okay. He's only 4. "Are you enjoying that, buddy?" Eric asked Grayson. "Yes, daddy" he replies. We eat up and then tidy up. Grayson sits by the TV and watches something. Eric and I wash and tidy up before chilling with Grayson. "Can mommy and daddy watch with you, bud?" Eric says. "Yes" Grayson replies. He was watching the Ninja Turtles. One of his favourite shows. We sit with him for a bit till he was tired enjoy to go to bed. Eric picks Grayson up when he got sleepy. He gets into his pjs and cleans his teeth and gets into bed. Eric closes the door and we have sometime together before we go to bed. "Little man is all tucked up in bed" he smiles. "Great. Just you and me now" I say putting my arms around him. "Yes, darling. Yes" Eric smiles. We sit on the couch and start talking for a while. "Eric, there's something I need to tell you" I say. "Sure, babe" he smiles. "Last night I took a couple of pregnancy tests and they came back positive. I'm pregnant" I say. "Wow! Really. You're pregnant, sweetie" he said. "Yes I am. I just hope I can keep this baby this time. I'm so worried I won't, Eric" I say. "Honey, please don't worry. This baby will be born happy and healthy and loved" he said touching my tummy. "Eric, don't just say that to make me feel better" I say. "I'm not, sweetie. It's true" he said. "Okay well I'm happy and just hope everything goes according to plan" I say. Eric smiles at me again and kisses me. I just told him I'm pregnant and we are both very happy

8 months later and we had a healthy, happy and beautiful baby girl called Heidi. Beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. We are so in love with her. All three of us are. We are a perfect little family of four now with Heidi in our lives. I had a healthy and well pregnancy. Which was good. At least I didn't give up after my miscarriage or we wouldn't have our little girl. Heidi was born just over a month ago and she is doing great. The apple of her fathers eyes. Awwww so cute. Grayson enjoys being a big brother to Heidi even though he felt a little left out at first when she came home. He's okay now he's had time to get used to not being an only child. Heidi is chilling in her baby bouncer at the moment. She loves to have fun in that. Eric and Grayson are upstairs having some boy time together. I told him it's important that Grayson gets attention to so he doesn't better neglected with a new baby in the family. I'm downstairs relaxing while I'm watching baby Heidi in her bouncer. She is making cute little faces at me. I can hear Eric and Grayson having fun upstairs in his room. I am looking at mother and baby magazine at the moment. I like reading about things like that as a mom myself. About 15 minutes later Eric and Grayson come down. "Hey, how are my beautiful girls doing?" he says. "Good. Think little Heidi is getting a bit sleepy. Might be nap time for her" I say. Eric bends down and picks Heidi up from her bouncer. She closes her eyes while in his arms. Awww bless her. "Are you tired, my princess?" he said. Heidi yawns a little so Eric takes her into the nursery so she can sleep for a while. Awwwww he's the best daddy in the world. He sits next to me on the couch and gives me a little smile and kiss. "Our princess is all asleep now" he said. "Yes she is" I smile. So we are the Nam family of four now with little Heidi in our lives

A/ N: why isn't Eric a father already? Why isn't he married? He is a handsome and talented man. He has been one of my favourite soloists for a while so yeah I thought I'd do an imagine of him because he's awesome

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